Almost there.

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I went to potions with Fred and Theo, they seemed to befriend which I know would be held against them seeing as they were in different houses, though it was good for them.

I was still weirded out by that conversation with Cedric, I mean we've been together for a year. Aren't we supposed to tell each other everything?

It's ok I guess, it must be bad though. He's always told me how he is, and maybe a bit too much.

I've always wanted him to be open about his feelings and emotions with me, and he always has been, which I'm very thankful for so that I can help him through everything, or at least try my best.

But every time I try and tell him about something going on with my life the conversation always switches back to him, and yeah he's helped me through a lot which I'm also very thankful for, but recently I've had no one. Like I can't even hold a conversation with Cedric; he just runs off.

And of course, I have my friends, they're amazing but I just can't bring myself to worry them, they all have their own battles and I don't want to cause them stress, so I think its better to keep things to myself like I always have, to deny anyone who tries to help, to make sure to help them instead of the other way around.

Denying that I need help, actually in fact helps me forget that I do. I just hate it when people ask because I want to tell them but I know I can't, I know that it'll all just come out and it will eventually annoy them.

But that's not the main focus right now.

"No you dumb ass.Tthe Slug brains go in after we mix the Werewolf fur, and the Mouse intestines," Theo said to Fred.

"Oh, whatever Nott. Jacky-"

He snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Jacks, knock-knock you there?" Fred said trying to bring me back from my train of thought.

"Yes my spirit is present," I said grinning at Fred

"Linnie, go get the Vampire blood from the shelf," Theo said, still face down in his Potions book, reading the instructions. I hated when he called me Linnie.

"Alright alright, I'm going," I said back. I walked to the back where Snape kept all the ingredients. There was a bunch of weird shit back here, stuff that probably hasn't been touched in a thousand years, so I really don't know why it's bad here.

Like Merlin why do you need Centaur teeth or Acromantula venom, or-

ARE THOSE SELKIE CLAWS?! Great Godric I feel bad for the bloke that had to retrieve those. Everyone knows the Black Lake is nasty business.

As I was looking through the jars and vials of ingredients I saw the one and only

Draco Malfoy. Fucking wonderful.

I'd looked away from his glare to try and reach the jar of Vampire blood that was just so inconveniently placed at the very top of the shelf. A place where I could not reach.

I heard Malfoy snickering behind me as I struggled to reach the jar, red flooded my face from the ongoing embarrassment that I was experiencing. I gave up and decided to just try and walk away before this somehow could get even more embarrassing than it already was. I really don't think it's possible though.

Boy was I WRONG.

As I tried to turn around and back away I was stopped by a large, tall, and blonde figure in front of me, backing me up till I hit the shelf. It wobbled.

"Back off Malfoy," I said, there was no point in trying to push him away, I knew he was stronger, it'd just embarrass me even more.

He didn't reply.

He just looked up reaching for something on the shelf, he grabbed a jar and brought it back down in front of my face.

Vampire Blood.

"Is this what you were looking for?" He said holding the jar in front of me.

"Yes, it was, tha-

I tried to grab the jar but he raised it above my head, beyond my reach.

"Very funny Malfoy, just give me the fucking jar and leave me alone."

He just looked at me and smirked.

"Come on give it," I said to him, this obviously wasn't working.


Those were the only words that came out of his mouth. My eyes widened at his comment, also leaving my jaw open.

"What- are you mental?! What do- What are you- "

I saw his lips turn from a smirk into an even bigger one at my stuttering.

I'd had enough.

I whipped out my wand and aimed it at his neck.

"Watch it, we're in class still." He said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm not scared Malfoy, though you should be," I said back, a smirk of my own found itself curving upon my face.

"Is that so?" He asked.

"Possibilities are endless Malfoy" I replied

"Accio" I muttered under my breath.

The jar left Malfoy's firm grip and landed in my own hand.

I went around Draco as I steadied the jar in my palm, making my way back to the tale.

"What took you so long? Did you have to go out into the Forbidden Forest and kill a Vampire yourself?" Theo said. Fred laughed at his remark.

"Just trouble in Paradise," I said back, looking right at Malfoy. He was working with Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini.

Oh, how fun this year was going to be...

Repulsive. (enemies to lovers)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat