The Start Of Something New.

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I woke up bright and early the next day with a massive hangover, I should've listened to Malfoy this was the worst one I've ever had.

I checked the date on the calendar I have hanging in my room, it was me and Cedric's anniversary! I decided to go out to Hogsmede and grab something for him. The first place I went was Honeydukes to pick out his favorite candy, I got some Chocolate Frogs and Sugar Quills.

I also decided to get him a new scarf.

"GO CEDRIC GO!!" Shouted Ernie Macmillan


I looked into the arena to see a bit with golden locks and a serene smile, he waved out to the crowd as they cheered him on. He fought his dragon with ease, shooting several shooting hexes at it before he grabbed the egg. Everyone in the stands sat up and gave him quite the ovation. He looked around at everyone and locked eyes with me and winked.

When we went back to classes he found me.

"Hey wait up!" I heard someone behind me say.

"Oh, hello there." I said waving at the familiar boy I had just seen battling a dragon.

"I saw you cheering me on in the stands, never thought id see the day a Slytherin would congratulate a Hufflepuff." He jeered.

"Don't make me laugh, Hufflepuff is quite a superior house if you ask me."

"What's your name?" He blurted out


"What a distinctive use of letters."

"Stop trying to make yourself sound smart Diggory, it doesn't look good on you," I announced

"Ah, there we are, if we're being honest I was getting a bit worried that the Sorting Hat made a mistake." I rolled my eyes at his statement "I mean honestly you sure you don't belong in Hufflepuff?" He questioned.

"Why am I still talking to you?" I said diverting his question.

"Because I'm charming" He winked

"You sure you don't belong in Slytherin? We're quite the egotistical house you know." I stated

"Really? Could've never guessed.." He said in a conniving tone.

"Cedric!" Another new voice came from behind us.

"Hello, Harry" Cedric waved.

"I need to talk to you." He said in a rather urgent tone.

"Well alright, see you around Jacquline." Then he walked off

And that's how it all began.

I paid for my things and headed back to the castle with bags in my hand.

I ran up to Cedric's dorm when I heard giggling coming from the dorm.

I pray that isn't what I think it is, but I went for the door before I wimped out. I closed my hand around the handle only to realize it was locked, I took out my wand,

"Alohamora" I whispered aiming at the handle.

The door opened without a sound on I peeked inside

My heart dropped to my feet

There he was

with Astoria on top of him.

I walked inside and started laughing hysterically looking at the two, they both turned around and saw me standing there. Cedric immediately paled and threw Astoria off of him. He walked over to me and tried to speak.

"It's not- it's not what it looks like Jacky-" He stuttered

"Oh really? So you weren't just about to fuck the slag of the school? I mean Merlin you're welcome I probably just saved you from a couple of STDs. Wait aren't you with Malfoy?" I said turning to Astoria from Cedric.

Her eyes stayed glued to the ground, I looked away and back up to Cedric.

"I should've known better to let my guard down around you. I honestly just can't fathom why you would do this... I MEAN HONESTLY," I began to yell, "WHAT DID I DO TO YOU? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO FUCKING DESERVE THIS HUH?! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKING PAIN IVE BEEN THROUGH AND THEN YOU GO AND DECIDE TO BREAK MY HEART?!" My throat started to hurt as I screamed.


"ME? WHAT HAVE I FUCKING DONE TO YOU?!" I could feel my blood boiling in my veins as it shot to the rest of my body. Before I knew what was happening my fist balled up and went straight for Cedric's jaw.

But he caught it mid-air.

Looked back at me.

And before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt a stinging pain in my cheek.

Astoria gasped and ran out of the room. Fucking coward.

Cedric looked back at me realizing what he had just done. He hit me. He always promised he'd never hurt me, that I was safe with him. I always felt safe, I never doubted him.

"Wait- Jack

"if you say my name one more fucking time I swear to merlins grave, I will end your fucking miserable life." I kneed him where it hurts, i'd like to thank Parkinson for teaching me that, not intentionally of course but when she kneed Goyle for hitting on her last year I took some notes.

After speaking he went paler than he was before, I walked out the door and left.

As soon as I got outside the wind hit my face and I realized there was something dripping down from my cheek to my neck. Blood.

I decided to leave it, I didn't care anymore.

I went to go sit under my favorite tree by the Black Lake, I always sat there when something was wrong.

I just cried.

That's all I could do.

Until someone was hovering over me.

As if the day couldn't get any fucking worse Draco Malfoy had to be here.

"Move Mudblood" He yelled, gesturing his hand to the open field that came before the lake.

I looked up and met his eyes, when he saw the blood and the tears his demeanor completely changed from anger to pity.


"Astoria's cheating on you!" I just had to blurt it out before he found out by himself.

Then his look went from pity to sorrow.

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