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One week later-Jacquline POV

If I had told myself what would've happened that night at Slughorn's party, I never would've stepped foot into it. It all went so wrong, so incredibly wrong. I don't know if I can ever look at myself and my friends the same. At Hogwarts the same.

I haven't been out of bed since this party ended, and that was just to scrub the mud off my feet and the blood off my body. I don't know if it was mine or someone else's. I haven't seen Draco, Theo, or Blaise since. I don't want to see them.

I've missed so many classes that they sent some 3rd year to come check on me, I grabbed the stack of work she held in her hands for me and shut my door, the stack grows every day. I can't bring myself to even acknowledge it.

I can barely speak myself. My throat is too scratchy from my screaming. But I know I can't stay in my bed forever.

The weasely twins will know what to do. I throw on a hoodie and sweatpants, and I leave my room. I am stared at when enter the common room. Hopefully not for the reason I am thinking of. Walking through the slowly melting snow, I made my way to the Weaselys shop. It glows compared to the neighboring ally, dead shops, and boutiques.

George is the first to spot me when I enter the shop, It is quite empty besides a few other adults shopping in the back of the store.

"Oh darling, you look pale," George says as he pulls me into a hug. He pulls me into Fred's office. There, they tower over me waiting for me to speak. They know how these kinds of things go.

Fred looks depressed, presumably because of Theo. I forbid myself to think of him right now.

I sigh before opening my mouth and telling them all about that night began, and how it ended.

Before the party,

I slip on my showy tiny dress, feeling good in my body for once. I curl my hair into beachy waves and paint my nails black. I put on my heels and stare into the mirror. I don't know why but going to dances after my previous experiences just gives me a dreadful feeling in my gut. But I am not letting Cedric ruin my time here, I've moved way on from him.

I spray perfume all over myself, practically drenching myself in it. I head out of my dorm and close the door behind me, locking it with my wand. I've heard word around the castle that there's been someone breaking into dorms recently, you'd think for one of the most powerful wizarding schools there is some sort of security around here.

There's no one out in the common room today, it is a rather late party I must admit, but then again it's not like I can sleep these days anyway. I make my way to the tent just outside the castle. I can see shadows of people laughing and servers passing out drinks, carriages are lined up outside, and one of them is shaking back and forth. Of course.

I sweep back the tent opening and step inside it, it is lively and well-lit up inside. Some eyes immediately shoot towards me, Cedric's eyes met mine first. He was alone, no Astoria. Mm, what a shame.

I find Hermione quickly after and she's running up to me.

"Hey 'Mione you look amazing!" I say

"Thanks, Jacky but we have sort of an emergency here" Her wide eyes circle the room, trying to spot someone.

She finds Harry and grabs my head, pulling me in his direction.

"Harry I found her," Hermione says to Harry, immediately catching his attention. He looks at me with some sort of pity expressed across his gloomy face.

"Listen Jacky, I know some info you need to know." He rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Last year, remember when we almost got killed by billions of prophecies?" He asked, I nodded reluctantly. "Well, when I grabbed the one with my name on it..." His words falter as I hear footsteps follow behind me.

"Callisto I need you." I recognize the smooth, feminine voice of my former roommate Pansy.

Hermione's face sinks and she walks away.

I turn and face Pansy for the first time in a while, she has purple eye bags and red veins coursing through her eyes. She's wearing a long-sleeved gown.

I can only imagine why.

Nodding at her, she takes me just outside the tent.

A stern look fills her face, I've seen Pansy serious but not like this. Not ever like this.

"Callisto, I'm only telling you this because I'm trying to protect Granger. You need to stop digging, now. You are putting everyone you love in danger. Especially Draco. You've made a lot of people very unhappy and soon enough they will come after you."

My mind is instantly filled with a million thoughts. I nod anyway.

Before Pansy can walk away I stop her, "Parkison, wait." I quickly wrap my arms around her neck and pull her in for a hug, I know she hates my guts but I also know this is what she needs. I feel her body relax under my arms, and to my surprise, she wraps her hands around my waist and embraces my hug.

"Stay safe," I whisper in her ear before letting go and walking back into the tent to finish my conversation with Harry.

But he is gone, as well as Hermione. Slughorn on the other hand makes his way towards me with two glasses filled to the brim with champagne.

"Hello there Jacquline, glad to see you could make it to the party." He hands me a glass

"Hello Professor, I'm glad to be here." I sip on the champagne.

After 4 more glasses of alcohol, and several hours later. Malfoy never showed. I hate to say it but he's disappointed me severely. He's not gonna know that though, I say my goodbyes and exit the party.

I'm sure he has a reason for not showing up.

Repulsive. (enemies to lovers)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora