He continued.

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(Again some brief mentions of self-harm.)

Jacky's POV

It was time for my favorite part of the day, breakfast. Though the thought of going down there alone scares me. But ill just have Theo and Adrian keep me company, maybe Daphne she seems nice.

I made my way down the long corridor to the great hall as I walked in nobody looked at me except for Draco.

He stood up from his seat causing a few Slytherins to look up but as soon as he saw their faces he sat back down, I didn't look at him, I couldn't do it.

I looked around the long Slytherin table to see Adrian and Theo looking up to me waving their hands telling me to sit with them. I immediately walked over and sat down at the table collecting food from the platters displayed along with the table.

As I was grabbing the food and some juice Theo looked at me.

"Are you ok darling?" Theo asked

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I replied, trying to keep the true emotions from showing through in my facial expression.

"You just seem a bit....off? Did something happen last night?" Theo's voice was gradually getting more worried.

"Nope, I love that everyone has their own dorm as well, I slept like a baby," I said keeping a straight face so Theo nor Adrian could suspect anything out of the ordinary.

Adrian looked up at me and then Theodore, they both shared a worried expression plastered on their faces.

"Where is all this coming from exactly?" I said lifting up the goblet,  sipping my Apple juice.

Adrian and Theo both looked at each other again, this time both their faces turning Scarlett red, they looked guilty.

"What?" I said cluelessly when I said that they both looked down and started playing with their food with their utensils. Not daring to look me in the eye and tell me what was going on.

"What?!" I repeated once more hoping that I would finally be let in on this little secret that was apparently going around, I guess I'd screamed a bit too loud seeing as everyone in Slytherin was now looking.

Adrian leaned over the table and whispered something in my ear, something shocking that id never expect to hear. How could someone stoop so incredibly low?

"He told everyone."

That's all I needed to hear. I stood up as quick as I could and found his gaze, he looked at me with worry in his eyes. Everyone knew what happened that night. It somehow got spread around the school, my guess was that Parkinson heard from someone else and started using that big mouth of hers to spread it around to the whole entire school. I'd felt defeated and betrayed. How could he?

Everyone in the great hall was staring at me now, they all looked sorry, I didn't need pity nor did I even want it.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOT LOOKING AT?" I yelled, they all turned and started poking at their food once more engaging back into their past conversations, meanwhile, the Slytherins kept staring.

Malfoy was about 10 seats over and across from where I was sitting, I walked up and sat across from him, he looked worried.

"Would you care to explain what Adrian just told me you ASSHOLE?!" As I was saying I gave him a cold glare, the best one I could do.

"Listen Calli-

"No, you listen this is your fault and-

He laughed


"You really think I'm going to listen to you? What just because you can't handle some little comments I said to you? It's pathetic really." He said smirking at me watching my face turn red with anger.

I could beat him to the ground right now, but I kept my cool. Everyone was back at staring at us again, but this time I didn't mind, I was about to humiliate him,

"That's rich coming from someone who comes back from every break with a black eye from his father," I said out loud, snickers could be heard from around the room, and some gasps.

"Don't talk about my father!" Malfoy said in a stern voice slamming his fists on the table causing plates and goblets amongst the room to rattle and shake.

"Hmm what'd you do to piss him off last time? Perhaps you lost a Quidditch game? Maybe Hermione got a better score on her owls than you did? Merlin knows that's where you draw the line with a dad like yours." I scoffed, chuckling at Malfoy's humiliation.

He looked at me with a death glare but then smirked.

My expression dropped, why was he smiling?

"Least I don't slit my wrists for attention." He held a glad smirk.

I stood up and slapped him across the face, hard.

The smacking sound echoed across the hall, people's jaws were dropped and hands were closed over mouths. It looked like Malfoy's cheek was bleeding now. I smiled at him even though my hand was probably going to be bruised for a couple of weeks at the least.

Adrian, Theo, Fred, and George all grabbed me before I could go back and slap him again, Merlin knows I wanted to.

As I was getting pulled back by the boys, I looked back behind my shoulder seeing the Gryffindors laughing their asses off, the Hufflepuffs shocked and their mouths open still, Some of the Ravenclaws sighed and went back to conversing but some of them were looking at Draco with sorrow or they were trying to hide their snickers.

But the Slytherins were just straight-up shocked, someone had drawn Malfoy silent. I reckon they were somewhat scared of me now, I could just use that to my advantage, but just as my feet were about to reach the great hall door, I decided to make a very irrational decision.

I forced myself away from the boys for just a second before they could grab me again, I looked Malfoy in the eyes, and right before he was about to make an undeniably snarky comment I said...

"Tell your father that I just did his work for him, I bet he'll appreciate the kind gesture from a Mudblood like me."

Then I left.

(PSA, ok that was exactly 1000 words and very satisfying, anyway DAMN OK GO OFF IG, ty all for readinggggg! ily!)


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