CHAPTER 35: Harry VS. Stacey

Start from the beginning

"The first two people that I'll see will be thrown to the dungeon." He said sarcastically.

"There's no dungeon here Tommo." I smirked.

"yeah. You're right Stacey, your head is working eh." He smirked back. The lads laughed out loud.

"He means that there'll be some punishment." Harry injected, I saw his eyes rolled. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Let the game starting." Louis yelled at the top of his lungs.

He went close to the front door and tugged his arms to cover his eyes and leaned his arms against the door. "I'll count 1 to 60. 1....2....." he began and we all started to run to different directions like flooded ants. We were bumping at each other but it doesn't matter as long as we find a place to hide.

I hid behind the sofa but I realized that it'll be easy for me to be seen. So, I head to the kitchen and saw Niall hiding under the table.

"30...31..." I overheard Louis's counting.

I went to a room where it's all messy. This is definitely Louis's. Maybe this would be a nice place to hide isn't it? Because this is his room. I don't know.

Walking over his cabinet, I opened it and walked inside. This cabinet can accommodate at least 5 person, that's how it's big. Sorry Tommo, I'm steeping on your clothes. I slowly closed the cabinet's door and darkness dominated the place.

"36....37....." Louis's still counting.

Leaning my back over the edge of the cabinet, the door slightly opened and the sunrays glared me.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered angerly as Harry stepped inside too.

"this is my hiding place." He ranted in a whisper.

"I don't care. I got here first!" I rudely whispered.

"if we're gonna be caught.." cutting him off. He really insisted.

"Then, it'll be your fault!" I sassed and he covered my mouth with his hand.


Taking off his hand, "Get your hand off me." I ranted.

"Quiet! Louis is coming." Then, I shut up. He closed the cabinet.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Louis called out.

I preferred to close my eyes because I can see anything in here. Harry's warm breathe runs through down my face. Is he really that close for me to hear him breathing?

"Hey guys, where are you?" Louis yelled. His every step gets louder and louder. He's probably inside the room right now.

I can barely hear his footsteps. Where did he go? I just hope he went outside.

"There you are!" Louis screamed as the cabinet's door opened. He hastily went out the door and shouted 'base' when he got to the front door.

"Yeah, your hiding place huh. Now we're already caught. Thanks to you." I said sarcastically while stepping out.

"it was all your fault." Harry blamed me as he gets out.

"Who? Me? No you!" I exclaimed.

"This is nonsense. We are going to be punished by Louis." He pointed out.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and head back to the living room.

"Come out. Come out, where ever you are mates. I already caught Harry and Stacey." He screamed. Then the lads popped out one by one.

"Why didn't you see me second mate?" Niall complained.

"I know you want to be with Stacey but this is not your time." Louis sassed and chuckled.

"What's the punishment now?" Liam asked as he placed his arm around Louis's shoulder.

"mmm..." Louis pressed his lips. Acting like he's thinking.

"Let it be easy mate." Zayn suggested. Thanks bro.

"Okay then," he shrugged.

"They'll have to be handcuffed with each other for the day." He smirked.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. What was he thinking? I'm not even okay right now especially I'm still pissed off by Harry.

"No way!" Harry and I answered in unison. Does he really think so that I want this? Duh?!

"Is there any option?" my voice pleaded.

"Yes." He answered. I was delighted.

"kiss Harry on the lips." He grinned. He's so rude. I don't even want to play this game. Does he also forget that Niall is here?

"What?! Are you insane?!" I complained. "If I will kiss Harry, it's like I'm the only one who have been punished. That is so unfair." Crossing my arms.

"It's not fair Louis." Zayn complained.

"Okay. Fine. I'm just kidding mate. Handcuffed them" Louis instructed. Liam took my right hand and locked the one ring of the handcuff on it. And the other one on Harry's left hand. Now we're absolutely locked on this thing.

"Wait! What about if I wanted to go to the comfort room or do something privately?" I taunted.

"Then go there with each other." Louis grinned.

"No way!" I exclaimed.

"Yes way." He teased.


"just kidding. Tell me and I'll unlock it. But.."Emphasizing the T sound. "After, you'll be locked again." He explained.

"Okay fine." I rolled my eyes.

This never gonna be easy. I tell you.

Maybe this is God's plan for us to reconcile right? But how?

I hate the fact that the man I love is the man who pissed me off..


A/N 1Dizarie

I know there's nothing more happened in this chapter.

Thanks guys for the 900 reads, and for the wonderful comments and votes.

Check out the new fragrance of the Lads, it's called "BETWEEN US". I'M sure it'll smash the market.. and don't forget U.S Legends to vote for the lads for 2015 teen choice award, 'cause you're the only one who is allowed to vote..thanks

Have you already heard the new song on the lads ft. 5sos? check the media up there...

All the LoVE. xoxo.

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