Antonio says that the child is innocent and they cannot abandon him. Claudia says that she understands that but she doesn't understand why he and Gina need to take in the child when they can have as many children as they want. Antonio shakes his head and tells his grandmother that it is in Ricardo's best interests.

Back at Montes De Alba Inc.,

Alejandro, Isabella, Horacio, and Marianna are being escorted to the police car as curious coworkers, who have lined up look on. Isabella sees Gina look at her. She glares at Gina and says to herself that the fight isn't over. She adds that she will be back to carry out her revenge on everyone responsible for her humiliation starting with Gina and Antonio.

She adds that they will never be happy together for as long as she is alive. Adrianna shivers and holds tightly to herself because of the look Alejandro gives her. He says to himself that Adrianna will always be his and he will never let Hector have her. Adrianna says to herself that she hopes that things can be sorted soon so that she never has to see Marianna or Alejandro ever again.


Martin is in his house. He is lying on his couch. It has been a long and draining day. He says to himself that he hopes that they will find enough evidence to put Isabella and her friends away in jail for a very long time. He remembers all the times he had with Emma. He wonders out aloud if he will ever find love again.

To his dismay, an image of him kissing Marianna at the park comes into his mind. Martin picks up a pillow and throws it on the floor. He says that there are many more, beautiful women, who aren't criminals and who will make him happy. He tells himself that there are so many reasons why Marianna is wrong for him.

Back at the clubhouse,

Antonio tells his grandmother that he needs her support. He says that they have not decided on anything final, but they know they have to keep Ricardo as the legal matters are sorted out. Claudia half reluctantly agrees. She says that if he feels that it is the right thing to do, she will support him.

She says that she just feels guilty, because she spent so much time pushing him towards Isabella, and looking down on Gina. Antonio tells her not to mind. He adds that they can't change what has already happened, and they have to move on. Antonio sees that his grandmother is really shaken by everything and wakes up and hugs her.

Sometime later,

Alejandro, Isabella, Horacio, and Marianna have been detained at the station. They are waiting to be questioned. They have been detained in holding cells opposite each other. Isabella says that they can get out of this if they coordinate and get their stories straight. Marianna says that she knows she didn't kill Emma.

She then asks everyone else if they killed her. Isabella tells her to be quiet because someone could overhear her and it could get them all into trouble. Marianna asks herself as she has done often since Emma's death if the others could have killed Emma. She says that it is fishy that after she thought that they had agreed to only scare Emma, she turns up dead and in such a gruesome manner.

Later at the end of the day,

Gina goes to visit Hector. When he sees her he manages a smile. It is, however, weaker, and he looks much sadder than usual. It pains her to see her brother, so broken. He is usually the strong one. He asks her how she is. She says that she is the one, who should ask him that. Hector shrugs and says that the pain gets bearable by the day. Gina looks at him and says that she knows him too well. She adds that she can tell that there is something he isn't saying.

Hector calls her a -know-it-all. Gina rolls her eyes. Hector admits that he does feel scared that he might never walk again. He says that with Marianna and Alejandro's plans out in the open, he was going to get Adrianna back but then he was attacked. He adds that as Gisela Paulina gets older, he wants to do things with her. He adds that he doesn't want to disappoint her or to be a burden to Adrianna.

Gina holds his hands and tells him that both Adrianna and his daughter love him very much. She says that Adrianna loves him regardless of any physical or health condition and she will remain by his side. Hector says that he knows that. He adds that Adrianna is such a good person and he doesn't want to burden her with taking care of him. Gina hugs him.

Meanwhile, Claudia is back in her house,

She remembers what Antonio said. She says that she cannot let Isabella continue lying to her grandson. She says that Isabella is a murderer and is a danger to her grandson and great-grandson. She says that she may have failed Antonio in the past, but she will protect him, even at the cost of him being angry at her. Claudia takes a deep breath and repeats that she has to protect what she loves most in the world-Antonio and Hannibal.

Meanwhile at the mental hospital,

Aranza is visiting her father. She can see that he looks worried. She asks him what has gotten him so worried. He says that he was thinking about how little he has remembered from his past. He says that sometimes he feels frustrated, at the lack of enough progress. He adds that all he has are images of his son and daughter, who he thinks are twins. When she hears that Aranza looks up. He asks her what has happened. She says nothing. She adds that her older siblings were twins and they mysteriously disappeared around two years after her father died.

John asks her what she means by mysteriously. He adds that over the years she had told him that her father had died and her brother and sister were missing, but she hadn't told him more than that. Aranza says that she was afraid that she would make him worse if she told him her sad life story. John tells her that he understands her concerns but he is much better. He adds that he would like her to tell him because maybe something she says may trigger a certain memory. Aranza is a little bit unsure but her father convinces her to tell him.

Back at the police station,

Isabella, Horacio, Alejandro, and Marianna are being questioned and their statements are taken. A state-appointed lawyer is present throughout the questioning. They all deny being guilty of all the crimes they have been accused of. They claim that Emma was probably slightly drunk at the time and wasn't sure of what she heard and she mixed up facts and fiction.

Additionally, they add that whoever told her was probably very drunk, and was mixing up facts and creating stories as well. They are however unable to satisfactorily explain how a random person would know their names and would link them to the crimes. They also can't explain the mix-up with the children.

Back at the mental hospital,

John is beyond shocked. He can't believe what he just heard. Aranza looks at him and asks him if he is fine. He assures her that he is. She looks at him like she doesn't believe a word he says. She says that she can sense that something is wrong. John assures her that he is fine. He says to himself that he can't believe that Aranza is his daughter. He says that everything now changes. Aranza looks at her father then sulks.

She says that he is doing what Antonio and Adrianna do all the time. He asks her what she is talking about. Aranza says that they all treat her like a baby and they don't tell her things. She adds that they think that they are protecting her but she finds it annoying, especially now that she is older and she can handle things. He holds her hands and tells her not to worry because soon enough things will be resolved.

Back at the police station,

Isabella, Marianna, Horacio, and Alejandro are back in their holding cells. Isabella says that all they have to do is to continue to speak with one voice, whenever they are called in for questioning. Marianna reminds them that their story wasn't foolproof, and there were several things that they couldn't explain. Alejandro says that won't cause them trouble if they stick to their story and remain calm. He insists that they have to remain calm or else they will mess up and implicate themselves. Marianna asks herself how things got that bad.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now