Disaster In Waiting

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Victoria's Pov:

Another sleepless night check, bad mood check, blood shot eyes check. I was starting today in a fantastic way. I was resting my head against my locker praying for some type of miracle so that I could see a silver lining when Bianca came over then began to kiss my cheek killing any hopes of my mood improving.

"Vic baby I missed you lets skip class and go have fun what do you say." She asked.

"Bianca get off me I am not in the mood for any of your antics today I just want my space and you being all over me right now is seriously annoying me."

Even with my warning she insisted on being pressed against me. My anger peaked and I shoved her off me then walked off without a second thought. Did I feel bad? A bit but not really. I went to the library deciding to skip class, I picked a quiet area and laid my head down against my arms. Rather quickly I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

I am not sure how much time had passed but I started to feel my shoulder being tapped on and groaned in protest. "Leave me alone." I grumbled, wanting to continue resting for a bit longer.

"Wake up and let's go for a walk.... please." I immediately recognized the sweet voice, it was Luna. I raised my head and looked at her. "Fine but not here, I need you to trust me." She nodded in agreement, so I got up and walked towards the parking lot of the school where my bike was waiting for us. I handed her a helmet and started the bike up.

"This isn't what I had in mind when you said to trust you." I laughed and reached out, taking her hand in mine and gently pulled her closer. "It's going to be okay you are safe with me I promise I won't let anything happen to you I promise. I know you want to talk, and we will just not here." We looked deep into each other's eyes I tried to exude strength and certainty so she would have faith in me. She nodded and swung her leg over my bike taking a seat and then put on the helmet.

"Just don't go killing us or I will haunt you for the rest of our eternity together." I laughed and reached behind me taking her arms and wrapping them around my waist. "Hang on tight." I said then began to drive, I must admit having her arms around me felt amazing, everything about this moment took the edge caused by the events of last night. For the first time in a long time all my worries seem to fade away the more we drove. My body started relaxing bit by bit, I felt her head lean against my back as we started to exit the town and head for the forest. Soon we parked and I took her hand in mine and started guiding her down the path to my usual spot.

"Is this the part where you take me into a forest, kill me and then bury my body? Cause if so, I'll start walking back to school now." We both laughed and I shook my head. "I am not going to kill you; I'm taking you to a place I come to when I want to get away from this small town and just enjoy the peace. This is the best place to have our conversation."

A few more moments of us walking in silence and we arrived I helped her onto the rock and we both sat down looking down at the town. "Ask me anything you want to know." I said without looking at her.

"Are you okay? Like genuinely? That seemed intense last night and to be honest you look like the only time you slept was in the library." I sighed heavily and shook my head before answering.

"She is rarely ever around, but when she does come around it's nothing but pure chaos, Ms. Taylor basically raised me and is helping with Conner while I work to take care of us. He is still young and naïve to everything that's happening, and I want to protect him from it as long as I can. People around school think I skip a lot just because I don't care about my grades, truth is I am working so I can get away from this town and the narrow-minded people that live here. This town has always felt like a prison to me, the sooner I'm gone the better. They can think what they want of me, I don't care. I want better for Conner and me. So, to answer your question no I wasn't okay, but I am better now sitting here with you talking about it made me feel better."

I looked at her and I was taken back, tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she was sniffling. Gently I cupped her cheek in my hands and wiped away her tears.

"Sorry you probably think I'm a big crybaby, its just that when I heard you talking your voice was filled with such sadness, I couldn't help it." she said, lowering her head. I lifted her head using her chin.

"Look at me I don't think you are a crybaby, your beautiful and you shouldn't be crying over me, but I appreciate the fact that you care enough to shed tears for my sake." I said honestly. She nodded and quickly pulled me into a hug. Her warmth gave me so much strength and comfort but what she said next sent shock waves through my entire body. "No matter what you do or where you go ill be your friend I promise."

"Ill hold you to that." I said pulling away from her embrace then I laid my head on her lap and closed my eyes. "Let me just lay her for a little bit please, no one is going to bother us here and I don't want to go back to reality just yet." I said and she giggled. She began to massage my head humming softly.

Luna's Pov:

Looking down at Victoria as she laid on my lap, I began to realize that she was misunderstood, she wasn't heartless or selfish. She was just given the title of outsider because she didn't conform to the ideals of what everyone around her wanted. Sure, she may be a little rough around the edges, but she has every right to be. I smiled looking down at her she was sound asleep, and my hand was now resting on her tummy. The sounds of the forest were her lullaby, and she couldn't look more peaceful. With a gentle breeze blowing she shifted and turned in my lap. She was now laying sideways and holding my hand. Her touch sent a jolt of electricity throughout my entire body as well as sent a shiver down my spine. She opened her eyes and yawned as soon as I moved.

"How long have I been asleep?" she asked, looking around slightly dazed.

"N-not long how do you feel after your nap?" I stuttered, a bit and now I felt like a fool.

"I am feeling pretty decent actually my headache is gone, and I feel a bit more rested, sorry and thanks for letting me use you as pillow I promise I didn't mean to pass out on you."

"No problem I am here anytime, but if you don't mind id like my hand back, please." I teased, her cheeks immediately turned red, and she released my hand.

"Sorry I didn't even notice." She sat up then stood up.

"We should probably get you back, school should be ending soon." She said and I nodded.

"Before we go back, I have something to ask you and I'm hoping you say yes. So, you know Ashton has a party this weekend and id really appreciate it if you come as my plus one, I know you don't like him, but I'd feel better knowing I had you there with me." I said biting my lip nervously.

I see the gears turning in her head as she processes my request, taking her time to decide what to answer. Even in this moment of nervousness I can't take my eyes off her. Ever since meeting each other I had a feeling that we'd be drawn together, I just wasn't sure in what sense until right now in this moment. I have no doubts I am attracted to the person standing in front of me and not the facade that the outer world knows. I can't help but smile at her as she stands there.

"Fine. I'll go I have the feeling ill regret this later but ill go. For you." She said extending her hand out towards me, I nodded and giggled before taking her hand in mine. We calmly walked back to her bike and headed back to school.

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