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Luna's POV:

With class ending I gathered my things then followed my map to my next glass, on my way here Victoria was so caught up in her phone she collided with me, before I could say anything she mutters a low apology then continues to walk away. I roll my eyes then enter the classroom and quickly take a seat. Since class has not started, I start to go over the notes from my previous class, I don't take notice that someone approached me until I felt my shoulder being tapped. I look up and notice a male with jet black hair and hazelnut eyes looking down at me.

"My name is Ashton; I am the Captain of the Lacross team. Nice to meet you." He says sweetly flashing me a smile.

"Hey, I am Luna, Nice to meet you too." I return his smile; he takes the seat next to me before speaking again.

"So, I have a party this weekend and you have been invited by yours truly." I chuckled a bit.

"Okay ill go but you have to my question first."

"Go for it I am an open book."

"Why did you invite me you don't know me?" I asked curiously wondering why he suddenly approached me.

"Oh, that's easy for one you are hot, two if you have the balls to stand up to Victoria you are definitely badass." I feel my cheeks become heated as I begin to blush.

"I didn't think anyone was watching oh goodness."

"Hey you were awesome." He laughs a bit.

Before we can continue the conversation, the teacher begins to take attendance, when he calls Victorias name but there is no response.

I rolled my eyes, not surprised considering she was walking in the opposite direction when she bumped me. Lunch time comes rather quickly, and Ashton invited me to join him and his friends, which I gladly accepted. So, we are walking down the halls, he has his arm around my shoulders, quickly I take notice of all the eyes on us and the murmurs as well. Id be lying if I said it didn't make me nervous, but I was trying to remain as calm as possible. As we turn the corner immediately, I see her and our eyes lock. I see the rage take over her eyes making them darker, I smirk feeling accomplished that I am under her skin like she has been under mine. I want to prove that I am not her pet or plaything. One way or another she will learn that I am the one in control here. 

Victorias POV:

Standing against my locker with my eyes closed I start to hear everyone whispering and murmuring so I open my eyes to figure out what all the commotion is about, my eyes find her with Ashton draped over her shoulders as they walk. I feel the anger and disgust boil to the surface of all the people to have around it had to be him. I hate him and I hate him with her even more. She smirks at me clearly noticing the rage in my eyes, so I turn away then walk away. Once I find an empty hall and I know I am alone I send my fist straight into a locker. I feel the blood starting to come out a bit as I leave my hand in place for a bit and yell out in frustration. She may not know who I am, but she has no idea what she would be getting into with a jerk like him. She is going to learn quickly.

I left school for the rest of the day not feeling up to socializing anymore so I go to my favorite place, A hill deep in the forest outside of town where I can overlook this pathetic town yet still be consumed by nature all around me. I come here whenever I feel the need to escape reality. The serenity takes over and I lay back closing my eyes.

At some point I must have dozed off because next thing I know I hear my phone going off bringing me back to reality I reach into my pocket and look at my phone seeing it is home calling, so I answer quickly.


"Mom isn't home." I hear the sadness in Conner's voice and my heart breaks for him.

"Alright buddy lock the doors, don't open them for anyone ill be home as soon as I can and we can make brownies sound good?"

"Yay!" The happiness and excitement in his voice returning brings a smile to my face so I hang up after saying goodbye then make my way back to my bike, it didn't surprise me that our mother was absent. I am already used to her disappearing acts, but Conner is a different story still I try to keep him as happy as I possibly can. It doesn't take me long to reach home and as soon as I enter he tackles me hugging me tightly.

"Vicky! Look I got a 100 on my test!" He shows me the paper excitedly, I smile and give him a high five.

"Alright Buddy keep it up I am so proud of you, as a reward ill order us a pizza."

After the pizza arrives, we eat, then make the brownies as promised then follow up with watching movies on the sofa. We are about halfway through Finding Nemo and Conner begins to yawn, getting sleepy. I paused the movie then carried him upstairs to his bedroom tucking him in.

This kid is the entire reason I work so hard. I want to do everything in my power to keep him as happy as possible. I am his mother, sister, and best friend. No one is going to separate us.

I look at the time and it is a little past 7 o'clock, that means I have about 25 minutes to get to work so I walk next door and knock gently on the door. After a few moments Ms. Taylor opens the door with her usual warm smile.

"Victoria how are you? Did you need me to watch Conner for you while you work again?" she asked cheerfully as always. She is a kind old woman who watched me grow up and the only person I trust to watch Conner. She has been my mother figure since I was little and to be honest, I'm not sure what I would have done without her.

"Yes, please if you don't mind, I just put him to bed so it should be quiet for the most part."

"Yes of course go on!" She closed the door to her house, locking it behind her with her keys in hand then gave me a quick hug before entering my house.

Work is close to home so arrive quickly. It's a small family restaurant and they pay me to clean the floors, bathrooms and whatever else they need help with for closing. On my way inside the building there is a family exiting so I politely open the door holding it open for them. They all thank me but the last person is the one that makes all the difference, Its Luna she is so distracted she bumps into me and freezes as soon as our eyes lock.

"I am sorry." She says quietly her face pale like she had just come face to face with a ghost. I smiled in return and simply say "Hey." in return.

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