Conflicting Connections

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Luna's POV:

With our recent interaction in the closet Victoria has left me more confused than ever before. Granted I was nice to her first and I even opened myself up to her a bit but something about her attitude with me when we were alone and what she shows to everyone else was completely different. I sighed heavily making my way to my classroom, what I wasn't expecting was Ashton waiting outside the classroom with this look of annoyance plastered on his face.

"Hey- "before I could even finish speaking, he cut me off.

"What the hell, you couldn't respond to my message?". His sudden outburst completely took me by surprise, I opened my mouth to try to respond but my words failed me, and I lowered my head.

"If she wanted to respond she would have jerk face. She doesn't belong to you, and she has no reason to feel obligated to do anything you tell her to. Maybe she got a better offer than what you could provide." I Heard Victoria's voice from behind me, it was laced with power and authority. It sent a shiver down my spine, but I still turned and faced her. Everything about her at this moment drew my attention. Her posture was strong, her aura was commanding, and her eyes were piercing. Completely different from the kind and gentle side I saw not even a few minutes ago.

She stepped closer to me then wrapped her arms around once she reached my side and then smirked at Ashton. I felt my body stiffen against her touch, so I looked away from her and lowered my head looking at the ground once again.

"Mind your business Victoria, this is a conversation between Me and Luna. You weren't even around her yesterday so what the hell do you know?" Ashtons voice was filled with anger. She started to laugh in this face before speaking.

"Don't play this game with me Ashton, you know I am not one to be toyed with. You are already on thin ice with me, and I can promise you that making an enemy of me will be your worst mistake. If any harm comes to Luna because of you, I will make you pay. She is under my protection."

She kissed my cheek taking me by surprise, Ashton took a step forward towards Victoria but the bell releasing everyone from class went off. Once people started to notice them glaring at each other they started to gather.

"Don't think this is over Victoria." Ashton grumbled and walked away into the crowd.

As much as part of me enjoyed feeling her grip my waist I dismissed those thoughts and pushed her away from me. The look of shock on her face matched the shock I felt deep inside of me, but I gathered all the inner strength I could muster then yelled at her.

"I don't need you to rescue me, I don't need you to interfere with my life, you had no right to start all of that drama with Ashton!".

"What the hell! I am trying to help you by telling you that guy is bad news and you still wanna give him the benefit of the doubt? Go ahead and be my guest, you are the one who is going to regret trusting him. You don't have to believe me but at least I can say for myself that I go to sleep with a clear conscious, see if he is able to say the same thing." With that she walked away into the crowd of students moving in and out of the hall. I sighed heavily and decided to follow suit and go to class as well even though I was mentally exhausted. This is going to be one hell of a long day I thought to myself. 

Victoria's POV:

I can't believe her! After the way that jerk was acting only after a day of knowing her, she still wants to give him the benefit of the doubt and ignore my warning. She is so infuriating. No matter where I went throughout the rest of the day I saw them together, she basically looked like a little puppy by his side pining for his forgiveness. Thankfully it was the last class of the day. Yes, she and I have the same class but luckily Ashton doesn't. I tried my best to focus but I consistently felt her gaze on me so finally I started to scribble on a piece of paper and passed it to her. It said, "Stop staring at me, or else ill think you fell in love with me." Don't ask me why I teased her even though I am pissed at her. I have no logical or reasonable explanation for it. After reading the note she turned to me and rolled her eyes, making me chuckle. She quickly scribbled then passed it back to me. It said, "You are an idiot." It made me laugh, catching the attention of the teacher.

"Luna and Victoria since you two seem like best friends you two are getting paired up for the rest of semester your projects will be a group effort and you'll be graded as individuals and as pair. No objections perfect."

I see her immediately glare at me and I sigh. "Just perfect my fucking luck. If we don't get a good grade, she might actually kill me." I mutter under my breath and the bell rings dismissing us instead of her walking out of class she walks up to me with her hand out. I raise my eyebrow and look up at her in confusion.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Gimme your phone so I can put my number in it we have to work together as much as we both don't want to. I refuse to let you drag my grades down with you." 

I shook my head and sighed, handing her my phone quickly, she put in the information and handed it back to me.

"Ill text you for details on when we can meet up for our assignment." She said before walking off. I'm convinced that one way or another this girl is going to be the death of me, good or bad I will just have to wait and see I suppose.

I leave school and quickly my way home to meet Conner at the bus stop. We entered in and the house is quiet, making me feel relieved. As much as I wish our mother was present to have her drunk or worse around here wasn't what I wanted Conner to come home to. I helped him with his homework, and we were now sitting on the sofa watching tv. My phone went off next to him, getting his attention so he picked it up.

"Whose Luna?" he asked, reading the message that was on the screen before passing it to me.

"Somebody from school, we are partners for a class." I responded back and looked at the message she sent me, she was asking if now would be a good time to meet up to work on the project, I looked at Conner for a moment before responding yes with my address.

"Hey buddy she is going to be here soon I would like you to be on your best behavior please." He nodded happily and kept watching tv. About 10 minutes later I heard a gentle knock at the door. When I open the door, she is looking at the ground then lifts her head and looks at me.

"Hey." She whispered softly, something about her was off I felt a deep sadness coming from her. What could have happened to her I wondered. 

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