Chapter 44 - So Much To Say

Start from the beginning

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Loki begins, and leads me to the center of the room.

What are you doing?

You will see soon enough my love.

"The interruption has presented me with the perfect opportunity," he starts. I feel dread and fear with every bone in my body.

Loki Odinson if you propose marriage to me right now, I will punch you...

Loki smirks and shakes his head; I breathe a sigh of relief. But, with a wave of his hand, Loki has conjured his green cloak.

But you did not say that you would reject a proposal...

Loki we are not even courting...

Yes Love, about that, we should remedy that...

"As all of you well know how close Lady F/n and I are and have always been, and given the most recent set of events that she had faced, I would like to take this opportunity to place her permanently under the protection of the crown, or more specifically my protection..." He takes his cloak and fastens it around my shoulders, securing it at my neck, just below where the bruising begins. He turns to me and places his hands on the sides of my face and whispers to me.

"You know I have to kiss you now, right?" he smiles and I nod.

Loki places a gentle yet loving kiss on my lips and the crowd applauds in slight confusion. They are not exactly sure what this gesture means. Are we courting? Married? It's never been done before, that anyone can recall; or at least never been done so publicly.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Frigga begins, "Being such a high ranking member of the Royal Court and Army, Lady F/n has always been a close friend to both Princes, but more so to Prince Loki. This gesture, of placing her in his protection is bond of friendship and though somewhat unconventional, a bond of love and is reserved for very special circumstances."

She moves over and takes our hands in hers, and proclaims.

"Prince Loki, Lady F/n, may this be the first step towards a life long commitment to each other, regardless of the paths you take."

The ball continues well into the night, and I socialize with all whom I can. Finding some time to go out on to the terrace I inhale the cool night air, and feel my spirits lift a little. I do feel safer already as I wear Loki's cloak, even though it is quite long for me due to his height.

"My dear, I am so sorry about what happened with Brynjar, everyone knows it wasn't your fault. How kind of you to speak with him." my mom tells me and then puts her arms around me. "Though I was surprised at the Prince's gesture to publicly proclaim his protection over you, but it wasn't totally unexpected. He knows that you were uncomfortable with the bruises showing, so giving you his cloak helps cover them too."

"Coming here tonight with Loki, was an amazingly brave thing you did." She continues. "And I can see how tired you are. Would you like me to have Asmund take you home?"

Nodding my head yes, I hug my mom.

Mom, I think I might need to go to Alfheim. I think I might need to get away especially after what just happened. What does this mean with his cloak? Is this his way of claiming me? Keeping me from ever getting involved with another man?

"My dear, Loki is the only one who can answer that question" she responds.

"Ladies, is everything alright?" Loki says, and Asmund appears, "what's going on? Are you leaving?"

Nodding to Loki, I talk with him telepathically.

I am really tired Loki.

"I understand Love, come along, I will take you home..." He offers me his arm again and quickly says something to my mom and hugs her. She nods and dismisses Asmund.

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