Paw Patrol: The Fate of the Oracle Pups

Start from the beginning

(a sandstorm goes past before Mason mysteriously appears with Mirage and Melody beside him)

Harold: (surprised) Mason!?

Mason: The elemental brawlers asked if I could escort these oracle pups to a place where they'd be safe from the likes of you!

Oracle: (smiles upon hearing that) Come on girls! (walks over to Mason's group)
Harold: Then what's with the metal brute?

Mason: (shrugs) I asked to borrow an Earth Geargolem to make an entrance... underneath where you stood!

Earth Geargolem: (roars)

Harold: Stay away you metal brute! If I had my powers you'd be a pile of scrap metal!

Mason: Ironic since they're made from scrap!

Harold: Not cool Mason!

Mason: (shrugs) Well soon you won't remember this! (waves hand making Harold pass out while wiping the troublemaker's memory of the oracle pups what he just saw while teleporting his whole group back to the magic paw Inn/Arena)

Harold: (groans) (wakes up) (looks around finding he's under a palm tree in the desert) (very confused) Where am I? What am I doing here? (shakes it off) Never mind, I'm going home! (leaves)

Sound: (metallic footsteps)

(scene changes to Mason's group in the Magic Paw Inn/Arena)

Mirage: Very creative doing that on Harold, Mason!

Mason: (nods) It was the best way, now Harold doesn't know about the oracle pups!

Oracle: Very creative!

Mason: (nods) Also Melody explained your troubles, I'm more than happy to welcome all four of you to our home!

Oracle pups: (touched) (smiles) Thank you!

Mason: Come here girls! (hugs the foursome)

(Melody and Mirage smile upon seeing the Oracle pups happily enjoy the hug)

Fate: A home?

Mason: (nods) A home!

Faith: (curiously) What happened to the scroll?

Mason: My friends magically mass produced it!

Destiny: Sweet!

(later in Mason's realm)

(the Oracle pups look around in awe at Mason's archipelago universe

Oracle pups: Whoa!

Mason: (walks over with Melody) What do you girls think?

Oracle: We all appreciate what you've done for us, even if we just met!

Melody: It's all good, Mason welcomes many magic pup breeds into his multiverse! Even kindly empowered them with elemental energy!

Mason: I'd be more than happy to grant you four some of that power, if you'd like?

Oracle: Hm? I guess no trouble in trying!

(four power ups later)

Oracle: (sees clearly to the exact future) Whoa! I can see the exact future now!

Mason: I should mention I've got a daughter by the name Oracle!

Oracle: Very nice!

Mason: I'll show you girls where you can stay!

(scene changes to all four oracle pups entering the animal hotel room where they find two empty rooms they like)

Fate: (smiles) We get a nice room to share, mom!

Oracle: (smiles) I really like it too Fate!

Faith and Destiny: (walks over) (chuckles) We decided to be roomies too!

Oracle: (smiles) Very nice to hear that girls!

Melody: (walks over what do you girls think?

Oracle: We really like it here!

Other Oracle pups: (smiles and nods)

Melody: Did anyone else mention there's an animal spa?

Oracle pups: (eyes widen) Animal spa!

Melody: (giggles) Want me to show you?

Oracle pups: (puppy dog eyes) Please?

Melody: (chuckles) Follow me girls!

(Melody leads the oracle pups to the animal spa as a star-shaped iris-out occurs before slowly going to black)

Fate's voice: What happened to that metal thing Mason had anyway?

Melody's voice: (realizes) Oh! I think we left it in the desert!

(scene opens to show Harold Humdinger in the desert at night fleeing from the Earth Geargolem in the direction of Adventure Bay)

Harold: (screams) Why is this thing chasing me, a minute after I left that oasis!?

Earth Geargolem: (roars)

(Harold keeps running not looking back the second the Earth Geargolem is magically teleported away)

Harold: (scared) Leave me alone you metal brute!

(Harold fearfully runs to Adventure Bay not even knowing the Earth Geargolem is now gone before everything slowly fades to black)


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