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Venus and Otis agreed to do a muggle-based custom about her favorite superheroes. She was going to be the Scarlet Witch, and Otis was going to be Vision.

"You look great," Otis says, kissing her.

"Aren't you supposed to help the boys set up the party?" Pandora asks.

"No, the flower girls are doing it, " she says with a bit of sourness. The boys said that Venus didn't need to help them figure out the party decorations or anything and that she didn't need to worry.

She knew they meant trying to keep her stress low and just wanted her to have fun at the party, "like last year," Peter tells her, and she frowns.

She didn't have any fun last year; she did, but

she didn't because of Regulus Black, but she was determined that this year, she was going through all the drama and sadness into a filing cabinet in her mind just to have fun with her hunk of a boyfriend and best friends.

Because that's all that should matter right now.

Otis and Venus held hands as they sat in the Great Hall, eating dinner at the Gryffindor. They were in full costume, as was everyone at the table.

Well, the only people that mattered.

Everyone, including Otis and Venus, was also dressed as comic characters. It was Wash's idea, and everyone else thought it was good.

James was Spider-Man, which he borrowed from Remus last year, while Lily sat beside him as Spider-Woman.

Peter was the Hulk.

Sirius was Thor, while Remus was Iron Man.

Leo is Captain America, while Emma sat as Captain Marvel.

"Are you ready for the party?" Marlene asked the table, and everyone answered with a variation of yes, rather than hell yes or just yeah.

"Are you sure I don't need to bring anything?" Venus asks again, looking around the table, and James grabs her hand from across the table.

"Stop stressing, Star. We got this. Do you not believe in us?" Venus looks at James with wide eyes and sighs.

"I believe in you, not the rest of them. Besides Remus, he's got my full belief."

"Hey!" Peter says.

"Okay. It's just Sirius I don't believe in."

"Man, I'm just trying to eat my food, and I get dragged in," Sirius says, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, and Leo," Venus says.

"Sis, you've got to trust in me, yeah?"

"I do trust you, but you're the most responsible person to ever exist, hooves." She snickers at the use of the name, and Leo narrows his eyes.

"You're gonna miss me one day when I'm out doing awesome things, and you're stuck in a boring job you hate."

"Yeah, what universe are you living in?" Venus asks him.

"One where your parents stopped after him," James interjected.

"The perfect world," Leo says, and Venus rolls her eyes.

"Star, I've got it under control. Just bring your lovely self and your arm candy. I've got everything covered." Remus grins at. Venus gives a thumbs-up and then looks at Otis.

"My arm candy, I like it." Otis gave her a half-smile as he took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"I don't know how you guys can stand pumpkin juice," Venus says, which leads to a lengthy argument about pumpkin juice.

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