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tw: depression, problems eating. 

in no way am I romanticizing depression or trying to down play trauma


Regulus hated the first week after break, everywhere he turned he always seemed to his brother and Sirius always seemed to be laughing or smiling with his friends.

He hated seeing him so happy and he hated himself for it.

He didn't have energy to get out of bed, he didn't want to get out. He knew he needed too, but he just didn't want to study potions or the dumb planets in Herbology.

He didn't want to do anything, he couldn't do anything. So he just laid in bed, staring at the window that showed him the black lake and the light shining through the water.

Evan and Pandora tried to get him out of the bed, tried to convince him to eat some food, tried to get him to take a shower or to just sit up but all that was to make Regulus turn the other way.

He didn't want to hear their inspirational talks or how everything was going to be better. He truthfully just wanted silence, he wanted nothing more than silence to engulf him but the dorm room seemed to always be so loud.

He knew where to go to get silence.

He got up one evening when everyone was in the Great Hall at dinner, he slipped on some shoes and walked out to Black Lake to the place where he and Venus had been to, he walked into the cold water.

"Regulus?" Venus' voice echoed out to him but he didn't turn back, he just stood with his arms by his side. Venus came out towards him.

"What are you doing?" Venus asks, it was freezing outside and she knew the water couldn't be too much better.

"Just needed some fresh air," Regulus tells her and Venus took in a sharp breath and shrugged off her cardigan as she walked into the more than freezing water.

It was the kind of cold that turned everything in your body numb, Venus quickly gives Regulus a warmth charm and then does one for her.

"What are you doing out here? It's freezing."

"It doesn't matter." He shrugs and Venus goes over to him.

"Reggie," She softly touched his arm that was down on his side.

"He left me, Venus." He says, "Without even saying goodbye, not even a word. He just left. I'm all by myself."

"You're not-"

"You don't understand. Nobody understands." He murmurs.

"You're right," Venus tells him and his eyes go to her, "I don't understand and I never will but I wil stand here with you for as long as you need to be here." She says, linking their hands together as they stood with the water going to their waist.


"Don't." Venus says, "I'm not letting you be alone. I am never going to leave you." She says, "And this is how I'll prove it." She says.

Regulus sighs standing there, they stand there watching the sun go down in the distance, "Thank you," He whispers to her.

"Come on," Venus says, pulling him out of the water, "I'm going back to your dorm with you." She says.

She sneaks in with Regulus next to her, she somehow makes it back to his dorm room with nobody seeing her since everyone was still eating or studying in the library.

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