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Regulus did feel better after Remus of his troubles, and Venus felt better that Regulus felt better.

She had started walking him to a few classes to ensure she went to them, and she tried to steer clear of Sirius. She never brought him up when they talked, which was more complicated than she realized.

But one day, she was just casually talking and laughing about something the boys did, and Sirius was brought up. She saw Regulus's look of sadness and immediately shut up, "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. You can talk about him. He is one of your best friends, after all." Venus put her hands on top of his.

Venus could feel Regulus's pain in his chest from his brother leaving him in their house.

Sirius did seep into the conversation; Venus didn't mean to bring him up, and when she did the one time, Regulus flinched visibly, and Venus cursed herself out in her head.

"I'm so sorry," She said. She forgot for a moment about the drama between the two black brothers, and she was talking to the boy she was in love with about the day she had with her friends.

"No." Regulus said bluntly, "Don't be sorry. You can talk about him. He is one of your friends." He said.

When Venus thought about it, it filled her with hot rage, but then she remembered Sirius, the night he left the house.

How truly broken he was for having no other choice but leaving his family.

Sirius was only a teenager, as well as Regulus.

She felt torn like she was betraying both of them.

She sat on her bed, her curtain clothes, a faint light from her wand lighting up the small space as she let all of her confusion spill on the page, hoping to make sense of it all, but nothing was.

The words on the page just made her more confused.

She loved Sirius Black, her brother. They were the Marauders: a family, A tight-knit group. Sirius and Venus always fought and were often too stubborn for their excellence.

But She was always the person Sirius leaned on and was always the first to defend her. He shut them up if anyone had an ill word to say about her.

But Regulus Black.

He had taken over her heart, soul, and mind. She felt like their souls were entangled, feeding off each other.

An unrequited romantic love but a very healthy platonic love.

She wouldn't be able to choose if it went down to a choice. So she would never let it get to that. She knew that.

Regulus knew that too, and he would never make her choice. He knew how vital the Marauders were to Venus, how important everyone one of her friends was to her.

Venus and Regulus went to Hogsmeade on a random cold day in February. The snow was starting to become slushy on the streets. They were still on the abandoned backway to Hogsmeade.

"I can't wait for Spring!" Venus exclaims. Regulus watches the light in her eyes grow brighter at the thought of spring.

Venus had the thought of spring so evident in her head.

The brightly colored flowers, the field of tall grass, Her and the rest of the Marauders in a field, she knew way too well. They all had different colored flower crowns on their head. She and James chased each other while Remus read a book, Peter napped, and Sirius sang a random song to annoy Remus.

She thought of her teaching Regulus how to make the crowns that she loved so much.

"I think I will like this spring."

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