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On the last day of the winter break, Venus, Leo, Callie, Mars, and their dad all went to their favorite muggle restaurant in the heart of London.

They had a late-afternoon lunch. Her father and Venus talked about her studies and things like that. He asked her about her writing and Venus couldn't help but feel her heart light up with joy.

She was more than excited to tell him about it.

She had to go home after and pack all of her bags to go back to Hogwarts, Venus was more than happy to go back.

She could finally check on Regulus who had stopped writing her back the night Sirius left and she just wanted to make sure he was okay.

She wanted to see Emma and Pandora, of course. Pandora was another person she worried about because her family wasn't her biggest fans, they had their dose of pure blood mania that like Sirius. Pandora didn't agree with it.

"Are you excited to go back?" James asks, sitting in my room.

"Kinda, are you?" She asks and he shrugs his shoulders.

"So, this is Star's bedroom," Sirius says walking in and flopping on the twin-sized bed with a few stuffed animals and throwing pillows, a frog pillow and a flower pillow. Sirius took the frog pillow and squashed him in his arms.

"Can you not smother froggy?" James says, trying to grab it from his arms, and Sirius only holding it tighter to him.

Venus laughs at the scene in front of her, holding her stomach, as they start to play tug-of-war with the frog pillow.

"What are you two clowns doing," Leo says walking in, Sirius lets go of the pillow and puts his hands up, making James fly backward and Venus starts to snort while she laughs.

"Star, you need to be packing!" Harper says, "You two boys!"

"Yeah, boys," Venus says.

"Why don't you bring Froggie with you to Hogwarts?"

"Honestly?" Venus sighs, "I'm scared I'm going to lose him." She tells them.

The boys went back to their own living spaces getting packed for their train ride tomorrow. Venus was more than excited to go back to the castle.


She stood on the platform of 9¾, she hugged her father a little tighter than normal.

"I'll miss you, Dad." She whispers, fighting back a tear.

"Don't cry, dear. We will Owl each other every day. I love you."

"I'll write to you with my new typewriter." She says, kissing her father's cheek, "I love you." She hugs him tightly one last time before going on to the train as she gets on. She meets eyes with Regulus Black in a cabin by himself, looking out of the window onto the cloudy sky.

Venus kept walking to find Emma and Pandora's cabin. She was going to go back and talk to him after she put her things down.

"Dora!" She yells as sees's very blonde friend in a booth with Emma sitting across from her, "Emmy!" She hugs both of them.

"Oh my god, what is in that?" Emma says pointing to the large bag.

"A typewriter, my dad got it for me."

"Here, Star," Remus says, grabbing the thing and throwing it up onto the over the carriage.

"Thanks, Mate. Ya know, I'm going to need help getting that down."

"Of course."

"How was your Christmas?"

"The same as usual," He frowns.

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