Chapter 37

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"So it is settled then. All of us will continue to investigate Hyunjin's case. Seungmin, your task is to keep an eye on Seoyeon. Don't let her get too close, got it?"

The group had left the woods to go to Changbin's home, agreeing to switch places frequently to make it harder for the stalker to keep up. Just in time, a small thunderstorm was raging outside, rain drumming against the windows and wind audible even from the cosiest corners of Changbin's home.

Jeongin observed as Seungmin nodded at Chan. The older had taken it upon himself to discuss their next steps and who might consider halting the investigation due to the threats in the letter. Surprisingly, no one backed away from assisting Seungmin and Hyunjin further. Everyone was determined to save Hyunjin's life.

The youngest sighed quietly, glancing out of the window. It was almost 9 pm, and darkness had already enveloped the surroundings, the weather perfectly mirroring his mood.


The younger looked at Chan, realizing no one else was at the large dining table where they had discussed their plans. When had the older dismissed everyone? It shouldn't matter; at least he wouldn't have to sit with the others right now. Jeongin wanted to be alone.

"You know you can-"


Jeongin didn't let the older finish his sentence. He got up and left the room. Changbin had mentioned earlier that everyone would pair up and sleep in rooms together due to limited space. Jeongin didn't bother to listen to who his roommate would be; he had other things on his mind.

The youngest walked through the halls, reluctantly wishing to be back at Chan's home. It was much brighter there. Not that Changbin's home wasn't cosy, but Jeongin preferred brighter spaces over these dark yet comfy-designed halls. It reminded him too much of home. He would never admit that to anyone, not even to Seungmin. He and Hyunjin had their own problems right now. He didn't want to bring even more trouble to the ongoing situation.

He finally arrived at the room where he would sleep tonight and went inside. The room itself wasn't simple; it seemed to be a home office with a couch that could be converted into a mattress. It was barely big enough for two people. Just great...

The silver-haired young man changed into his pyjamas and went to lay down on the prepared mattress. At least it was comfortable. So comfortable, in fact, that Jeongin almost forgot he was supposed to share the room. That someone happened to be Chan, who awkwardly knocked on the door before entering.

"Hey, Innie."

Jeongin only glanced at the older once again before letting out an inaudible sigh. He grabbed the blanket and turned away from Chan, facing the wall.

Chan gave him a small empathetic smile.

"Jeongin, is everything alright? You seem kinda down today. And you haven't talked much."

"I am fine. And even if I wasn't, I wouldn't want to talk about it with a person I barely know."

The younger could hear Chan give him a small chuckle.

"Well, harsh, but fair. It's just, it seems like since the thing with the letter, you've closed off a bit maybe."

Jeongin couldn't help but feel frustration making its way through his chest. He just wanted to be left alone. Why was Chan trying to snoop around things that didn't concern him in the slightest?

"And what does that concern you?"

Jeongin could feel the mattress slightly bend under the weight applied right behind him. Chan must have sat down on the mattress.

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