Chapter 19

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After a hell of a shift, Seungmin walked out of the grocery store, feeling the summer breeze on his skin as he took a deep breath. However, Hyunjin seemed unaffected by the surroundings.



"How about we take a stroll through the area?"

Seungmin was caught off guard. He had originally planned to go home and work on the case until Jeongin arrived, so he could teach Hyunjin a bit. He pretended to receive a call on his phone again.

"How come you came up with that idea?"

Hyunjin smiled slightly. He couldn't explain it himself, but he didn't want to return to Seungmin's place just yet. A break would be nice, especially for Seungmin, who had been working non-stop lately. But Hyunjin knew that if he mentioned worrying about the younger man, Seungmin would dismiss it.

"I don't know. I need a break from all the things that have been going on. A nice walk through the park could be a good way to catch a breather, you know."

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin for a moment with his big, adorable eyes. It was true, they hadn't taken a break in a while. If Hyunjin needed it, he would give him that. Maybe during the walk, he could figure out what to do next, as he was still stuck on that shoe issue. Jeongin wouldn't arrive for another two hours, so there was no reason to decline.

"Yeah, I guess it would be nice to take a breather."

Hyunjin grinned from ear to ear as he started looking around for a direction to head, eventually spotting a small park behind the grocery store's parking lot.

Seungmin giggled as he followed Hyunjin, who was jumping around and walking ahead in the direction of the park. Spending time with Hyunjin like this was always enjoyable. It made him forget about everything, even his hurting feet weren't an issue when he saw Hyunjin happy like this. It made him wish for the day when both he and Hyunjin could enjoy their lives together.

Walking under the trees, they talked about anything, just enjoying each other's presence.


"What is it, Hyunjin?"

"I, uhm..."

Seungmin gave Hyunjin a confused look but patiently waited for him to gather his thoughts. He watched as Hyunjin turned his head away and took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Seungmin..."

Seungmin tilted his head in confusion.

"What for?"

"What do you mean, 'what for'? Seungmin, for over one week, you have tried your absolute hardest to save me. And you still do. You do so much for me, even though we just met and barely know each other... Honestly, in the beginning, I thought you might grow tired and just leave me to my fate, but you didn't. Heck, you haven't even thought about doing it once. And... well... I just want to say... I will forever be thankful to you, Seungmin. No matter if I die in the end or stay alive. I will forever be grateful. And I will forever stay by your side, Seungmin."

Seungmin was at a loss for words, deeply touched by Hyunjin's words. He didn't know how to react. Gathering his thoughts, he decided to try to convey his feelings.

"Hyunjin, I don't care about how long we may have known each other, if I'm being honest. You are a really kind soul, quite literally..."

Hyunjin let out a small giggle at Seungmin's little pun.

"...and I just know that if I let you die, I will never be able to forgive myself. We are friends, Hyunjin, and I would never leave my friends to die if it's preventable... I know you sometimes worry about my well-being, as I tend to overdo it with my research, but for me, you are worth the effort, Hyunjin."

Now it was Hyunjin who was at a loss for words. He swore he could feel his heart skip a beat when Seungmin said the last part. In that moment, Hyunjin desperately wished he was human or could at least touch Seungmin, so he could give him the biggest and warmest hug a human has ever experienced. Hyunjin wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

"Seungmin... you don't know what that means to me..."

"Don't worry about it, Hyunjin. I know sometimes it's hard to express your feelings with words. So... how about, when we manage to get your human body back, you show me?"

Hyunjin would have blushed at that if he were in his human body. His mind thinking stuff Seungmin definitely didn't mean to trigger. He knew that when it came to topics like that, there was not a single thought behind those adorable puppy-like eyes of Seungmin. So he "cleared" his throat and looked away, muttering a small 'yeah, sure. I'll do that then.'


'For fuck's sake, Seungmin, don't do this to my poor heart, while looking so fucking innocent, you little adorable shit. Curse my dirty mind.'

"Y-yeah. Sure I promise, Seungmin."

"Dude, why are you staring at the Victoria's Secret?"


Hi there. It has been a hot minute since I picked up writing again. I hope you guys enjoyed the last 2 chapters I made the last couple of weeks. To be honest, I was in some sort of writers blockage, not knowing how to continue with the story, even though I already know how I want it to end. Funny, isn't it? Anyways, I'll try to upload more regularly. No promises though. Thanks a lot for the support you guys have given me so far. It really motivates me a lot to keep on developing this story. Stay healthy guys. Cya~

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