Chapter 26

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Seungmin's heart raced as he sank down, to sit on the bench close to him, the absence of the comforting weight of the necklace around his neck leaving him feeling vulnerable. He nervously bit his bottom lip, fingers fidgeting with the collar of his shirt. The steady tap of his feet on the ground was the only outward sign of the storm of thoughts racing through his mind. The box containing the necklace now untouchable, due it just being locked in a small room with a little window. His only way of connecting with Hyunjin, now out of reach.

Anxiousness pulsed through him. Should he wait for PE to end before retrieving the necklace, or should he come up with an excuse? His mind, in a constant state of stress due to his struggling mental health, craved Hyunjin's presence. And even tho he could feel hyunjin standing right behind him, The absence of the necklace felt like a massive barrier between him and Hyunjin, dividing their shared world and leaving him feeling isolated. The olders company had always been a soothing balm for Seungmin's constantly on edge nerves. He wanted the older by his side right now.

The air grew thick with tension with every passing moment. The worsening heat and the crowd of people surrounding Seungmin let his throat tighten up, making him fight the urge to snatch the necklace and flee from the overwhelming environment.

In an attempt to steady his spinning thoughts, Seungmin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, though actually calming down felt impossible. Seungmin barely noticed he shuffle of students sitting down around him.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The voice cut through his anxious mess of a mind, snapping his attention back to reality. Seungmin's gaze wandered up, landing on a face he recognized with a mix of surprise and confusion. To his disappointed, It wasn't Hyunjin. It was a familiar looking girl.

She stood there with long blonde hair, put up in a loose ponytail, flowing like a golden river over her shoulders. Her big brown eyes held a hint of uncertainty beneath their friendly exterior. She was dressed in a casual white tee and black joggers. Simple, but appropriate for a PE lesson.

Seungmin blinked, taken off guard. Her concern seemingly genuine and her awkwardness clearly noticeable.

"Uhm... I'm sorry if I'm asking something stupid,"

she stammered, her voice warm but hesitant.

"You don't have to answer. Your name is Seungmin, right? I'm Choi Seo-yeon. We met before."

Seungmin's brows furrowed slightly, his mind working to remember, where he met her. Some seconds passed, before Recognition dawned upon him, finally nodding.

"Yeah, I think I remember. You were a customer, right? You asked for envelopes."

A quick expression flickered across her eyes, too quick for seungmin to decipher.

"That's me,"

She replied, a hint of amusement and something else in her tone.

"I'm surprised you remembered. You seem to be someone who deals with lots of customers."

He raised an eyebrow, an akward smile decorating his lips.

"Well, that's true. But it wasn't too long ago, so it's easy to remember."

Seo-yeon's smile warmed, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

"You have a pretty good memory, then."

Seungmin offered a slightly sheepish grin, trying to lessen awkwardness between them.


Before Seo-yeon could respond, the teacher's voice broke through the conversation, signaling the start of the lesson.

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