Chapter 9

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After getting everything sorted out, Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix, Jisung and Hyunjin made their way to Hyunjin's home.

Originally Seungmin planned to only bring Jeongin, but Felix and Jisung insisted they'd be joining, because
'we do not get to break into someone's house. And of you want to hafe all the fun for yourself, you can fuck off bitch'
So he didn't have much if a choice, but let Felix and Jisung join, before they would eventually commit arson out of frustration.

Currently the 5 of them were standing right in front of Hyunjin's door, arguing.

"I swear to god mate, that idea is stupid. You should just try to climb in through the window."
"Look, I appreciate that you want to make it easier for all of us Felix, but if my parents ever find out that I fucking broke into someone's house, they would literally rip my head off my shoulders."
"But Seungmin, wasn't it your idea to investigate in the first place?"
"Yes Jisung. My idea was an investigation. Not a fucking crime"
"Hyung, maybe we should just tell them about-"
"Jeongin, telling them I am bound to follow Seungmin would make you guys look like you are nuts. Not the funny kind, but the weird kind of nuts."
"Tell us about what Seungmin, what the fuck is going on here. I swear to god Seungmin, you are really going to replace us!"

As Jisung said this, felix shook his head in disappointment and sadness.

"I thought we had a stronger bound that this mate."
"I- you know what, I'll just do it on my own. Give me the glue Jisung."
"well, how about no-"
"Oh my fucking god, i swear on Felix's gayness, give me the fucking glue."
"Ayo! Keep me and my gayness out of this!"
"Hyung, i am not trying to be offensive. But aren't you already into deep to be kept out of this mess?"
"Jeongin, how did you even slip into this?! You are legit a baby. Seungmin, what did you do to the baby?"
"Why is in always me that gets accused of everything, i did nothing!"
"Well, he is here because of you!"
"Actually i am here because of Hyunjin-"

Knock knock

"OH WELL WE GOTTA START SOMEH- Oh greetings ma'am"

The door was opened by a beautiful lady in her mid 40's. Her hair was a deep black and wavy. She was also rather tall, but still shorter that Hyunjin, who was staring at the woman in front of him, frozen in his place. The woman was very skinny and seemed to have been crying. Her red, puffy eyes were dull and her cheeks were pink and puffy. Tear stains still being visible on her otherwise flawless skin. Hyunjin resembled her a lot. It was obvious, that this was his mother. But to Hyunjin this woman didn't look like his mother at all. She lost so much weight and looked very sick and fragile. The healthy and youthful vibe she usually gave of, was replaced by a sad and dull aura. This woman in front of him was not his mother. Person standing in front of him was practically a zombie.

"Can I help you?"

Yes I know it's short and yes I know I said I wouldn't upload today. I had a bad day and needed something to distract myself, so here we are.

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