Chapter 13

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To say that Seungmin was shocked at what Hyunjin had written down would be false. Seungmin was devastated. Hyunjin didn't seem like the guy who lacks in confidence or talent. Tho he could relate to the older. But that's a topic for another time.

"Seungmin. I think I've found something over here."

Jisung said while making tiny exited hops. Seungmin walked over to Jisung and spottet a video camera in the olders hands.

"What does it contain?"
"Well Videos, obviously."
"You know that's not what I meant."

Jisung giggled and gave Seungmin a smug 'yeah I know', before turning on the camera. After selecting the first video they came across and pressed play, they were greeted with a brightly smiling Hyunjin, holding the camera.


A another guy with a dark mysterious aoura and a slightly pointed chin came into the view. He smiled brightly and ruffled Hyunjin's dark brown died hair.

'Congratulation Llama. You actually managed to turn on a simple tool like a camera.'

'Imma dropkick your ass all the way to Mexico.'

Some laughing was heard as Hyunjin turned back to the camera. He grinned from ear to ear before the video stopped.

Jisung immediately played the next one, wich was a video of the now black haired Hyunjin dancing to 'when the party's over' by Billie Eilish. Seungmin wondered how this is the same person who wrote the entries in the notebook, that was still resting in his hands. Hyunjin's moves were smooth and elegant. They draw you in and won't let you focus on anything else.

Just as the song ended the sound of a door opening could be heard.


'Mingi?! What are you doing here?'

'Well I was going to surprise you, but you know what? Seeing you completely ignoring what I've told you makes me re-think it.'

Hyunjin rushed to the camera and hurriedly picked it up. He looked stressed out and with that the video ended.

"Who was that?"
"That was his ex. He wrote about him a couple of times. Play the next clip. Maybe we can get to see his face next time. This guy may be involved."

Jisung complied to Seungmins wish and played the next clip. This time he was at a studio. There was a set up for recordings, which a blonde Hyunjin walked to, distancing himself from the camera. A unknown voice was heard from behind the camera.

'Are you ready Hyunjin?'

'I was born Rady. Play the track hyung!'

'Alright. Project little star starts now."

By now, everyone had gathered around Seungmin and Jisung. All of them listened to Hyunjin singing lovely tunes in different variations, trying to get the best possible outcome.

Hyunjin remembered that day. It was the day before he found out that Mingi was cheating on him. Looking down at Kkami, he smiled sadly. Mingi never let him live his dream. He wanted Hyunjin to give up on dancing because 'it is childish to think that you could ever make a career out of stupidly jumping and twirling around.'. They would often fight and Hyunjin tried to keep doing what he loves in secret.

The clip ended and the next one started not even a second later. Once again it showed Hyunjin dancing alone in an empty room. But Seungmin noticed something different about hyunjin this time.

His moves weren't as smooth in comparison to the one they have seen before. It almost looked stiff and sloppy, if you really were looking out for it. But it was barely noticeable. It seemed like he was trying to distract himself. As Hyunjin was done, he walked towards the camera. With a shaky breath, he picked it up and looked around anxiously.
And just like that the video ended.

"Jisung, check the date of that one"
"Why? There is nothing special about this clip"
"Don't you see the way he moves? It is stiffer than before. And the expression on his face. It's different."
"Well, if you say so.."

Just when Jisung checked the date his eyebrows knitted together.

"Wait, this doesn't make any sence. According to the file this was recorded yesterday."
"Yesterday? That can't be."

Seungmin took a closer look, and sure enough the date that was displayed, was yesterday's date.

"What the-"
"Seungmin, that can't be. I recorded this video last month. It's older than that."

Seungmin skipped though the remaining videos. All the dates were normal, except for this one. Seungmin made sure to also check if there were any freshly deleted ones, but there was no trace. One thing was definetly off here.

"Has anyone seen any sign of a break in?"

Everyone shook their head no. Looking around, Seungmin tried to search for anything that could be off but he saw nothing. He even went to Hyunjin's window to check if there could be any way for someone to climb though it. But nothing. There was no possible way someone else but Hyunjin's mom would be able to change the date of this video. And by all means, Hyunjin's mom doesn't seem to have a reason to why she would change the date of a video. Something very fishy was going on here and Seungmin is determined on finding out what it is.

"We'll take the camera and the notebook with us. Did anyone else find anything useful?"

Felix looked at seungmin shocked.

"Seungmin, we can't just take stuff with us. That would be stealing!"

Seungmin smiled at felix reassuringly.

"Don't worry Felix. I will let Mrs. Hwang know. We won't be stealing anything."

And with that the 4 boys agreed on returning some other day, since it was already dark outside.


Sorry it's short again. I feel sick and am still at work. But look at this amazing sunset

I wish I could be going outside rn, but I gotta work until 10 pm today ㅜㅡㅜ

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I wish I could be going outside rn, but I gotta work until 10 pm today ㅜㅡㅜ.
Rip me...


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