chapter 36

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She touched the pictures that adorned the wall, Seungmin's smile present in many of them. With her fingers, she brushed over his black hair displayed in so many of the pictures.

"You know, your obsession with that boy is disgusting."

The young woman shot the male a glare. He was standing in the doorframe, leaning against it. His arms were crossed, and some red strands of his hair were falling over his forehead.

"You are lucky I need you, or else you would be dead already, Mingi."

Mingi scoffed. He pushed himself from the doorframe and faced the young woman in front of him.

"Oh, please. You couldn't even kill Hyunjin. He is still alive and well, with his spirit almost sucking Seungmin's—OW!"

Mingi was stopped when the young woman grabbed his hair, pulling him into her room. Fury was visible in her eyes. She only let go of him after she pushed him onto her chair situated in front of her computer. The screens showed Seungmin's room, bathroom, his parents' bedroom, the living room, and so on.

"Listen up, Mingi. I only work with you because you and I have the same goal, in a way. Don't test my limits. You are just as replaceable as a tea bag!"

The young man glared at his opponent.

"Oh yeah? Try to replace me! Try to find someone who is crazy enough to play along with your antics AND wants Hyunjin dead! You need me, and if anything, I am the one who doesn't need you!"

She clenched her fists. But just before she could yell at Mingi, a voice was heard from one of the speakers next to the door. It was Seungmin's voice.

"Hyunjin. Are you sure? Seoyeon doesn't seem like the type that would be a figure of danger..."

"Maybe Hyunjin is right, Seungmin. You really should be careful with the people around you until all of this is over. Maybe keep an eye on her. She might be the stalker. And if not, she is at least involved."

Jeongin's voice replied to Seungmin's question directed towards Hyunjin.

It was silent for a second until a small hum from Seungmin was heard. It seems like he agreed with them.

Mingi watched as the young woman in front of him sighed. She went to reduce the volume of the speakers. She was not only observing Seungmin over the cameras and microphones at the young man's home. No. She actually managed to hack into his phone and listen to his conversations.

"Oh, Seungmin. You will never get it, now won't you..."

Mingi rolled his eyes.

"If you are so disappointed in him, why not kill him too? He is an obstacle anyway—"

Again, Mingi was cut off. But this time, a hint of fear actually decorated his eyes. The young woman had just taken a knife out of her drawer and was approaching the red-haired young man.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. It was just a joke! Chill!"

The young woman glared at Mingi, her expression unreadable.

"If you even think of only looking at Seungmin the wrong way, I will make my previous words come true, Mingi. I have my ways."

The red-haired man let out a breath and stood up. He let his feet carry him out of this hellhole, silently mumbling things under his breath.

"Crazy bitch."

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