Chapter 32

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Seungmin stirred in his sleep, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he slowly began to awaken. His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself in an unfamiliar bed, surrounded by the comforting scent of coffee and freshly baked buns. The room was bathed in warm, gentle sunlight that filtered through soft, billowing curtains, creating a cosy, inviting atmosphere.

As he blinked away the remnants of sleep, Seungmin took in his surroundings. The room was beautifully designed, with warm beige-colored walls adorned with plants and shelves filled with music albums. Right in front of the bed, Seungmin found himself in, was a small desk with a laptop and all kinds of equipment on it. Whoever was the owner of this location probably produced music. A fluffy, beige rug covered the wooden floor, and a large, sunlit window showcased a view of a peaceful garden outside.

But where was he? And where is Hyunjin? Seungmin yawned and rubbed his eyes as he slowly sat up, pushing the blanket away. He was wearing a black tank top and black shorts. Both of the clothing items barely fit the confused young man. These were not the things he selected to wear yesterday.

"And that was the time when Hyunjin lost his shoe to Kkami. I swear I have never seen a dog sprint so fast in my life!"

Seungmin could hear a familiar voice dimmed down and some laughter filtered through the door.

"No way this actually happened!"

Wasn't that Jisung's voice just now? Seungmin's curiosity was piqued by the familiar voices and the laughter originating from behind the door. So he swiftly swung his legs out of bed, his feet touching the fluffy rug on the floor, protecting him from the cold.

Quietly, Seungmin made his way to the wooden door, the soothing scent of breakfast growing stronger, making his tummy rumble. Carefully, Seungmin pushed the door open.

He found himself at the end of a well-lit corridor. Just like the room Seungmin woke up in, the corridor had a warm and welcoming design. The bright environment made Seungmin feel at home.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty~"

Seungmin almost flinched, not expecting the spirit to stand right behind the door he had yet to close. Of course, the spirit wasn't far away from the younger. Seungmin should have guessed. He turned to face the older, only to be met with the spirit's hazel eyes that were only inches away from his own.

Seungmin blinked in mild surprise as he found himself face to face with Hyunjin's spirit. The close proximity sent a shiver down his spine, not because he was scared, but because of the tingling feeling in his chest.

"Hyunjin," Seungmin whispered softly, his voice a mix of wonder and relief.

"You're still here."

Hyunjin smiled, taking a step back to give the flustered younger a bit more room. He had waited in front of the room for the entire night. The older wanted to give seungmin some privacy. He took a good look at the younger in front of him. Seungmin's hair was all puffy and fluffy from sleeping, and the dark circles that could be found under his eyes earlier were almost completely gone.

"Of course, I am. It's not like I could leave your side, even if I wanted to."

Seungmin grinned. Another wave of laughter washed down the hallway, grabbing Seungmin's attention. He turned his head to look at Hyunjin again, exchanging a small, meaningful glance before turning to pursue his initial path to the origin of the laughter.

At the end of the small hallway, Seungmin was met with another wooden door. He gently pushed it open. The cold metal of the door handle serving as a contrast to Seungmin's warm skin.

Behind the door, he was met with a living room and a dining area that had a big wooden table. On the table were fresh fruits, baked buns, and coffee with all kinds of other servings. The chairs around the table were all occupied except for one.

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