Love at Dawn by LiebeKlara

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Love at Dawn by LiebeKlara

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Reviewed on 19.11.23
Reviewed by BeckyAnyanwu

Opening scene:
🔸Does the story begin with an interesting hook, creating a desire to read more?
The old grandma in town is about to pass away.
The prologue started like this. It was an intriguing start and interesting hook. Yes, after reading the prologue, I was determined to know who the young man and grandma were in the story. In my opinion, the beginning should have been a little stronger. My first thought on starting the prologue was that this story was clearly a historical romance story so why was I reading about a grandma in the prologue? Overall, it was a good prologue. I liked it.

🔹Does the manuscript begin in the right place?
Starting from the first chapter, I can say that the story started at the right place. I was engaged in Edith’s and Andre’s story. I liked the fact that the author began the chapter with “In the summer of 1783, the city of Rouen, Kingdom of France—” It gave me a sense of the location, weather and the year.

Characterization and motivation:
🔸Are the characters compelling, sympathetic, or someone you can root for?
As always, I support the male characters in every story. Yes, I support only Andre. Please don’t come, judging me. I have reasons. How on earth could she have agreed to marry Raphael just because a dear friend heartily said so?

🔹Do the characters feel real and three-dimensional, with distinct voices, flaws, and virtues?
I love Andre. He doesn’t talk much. I definitely know when he speaks. Edith has a distinct voice too. I can almost feel their voices through the author’s descriptions. Funny how I don’t care about other characters.

🔸Are their goals clear and proactive enough to influence the plot (not passive)?
Not that clear. I didn’t understand Edith’s goal even when she grew up. Like the author didn’t give any clear detail about her goal/vision in the story. I know she was brilliant but what did she dream of using her brilliance to do? Fight for justice? I understand that Andre was a painter, but was he striving to become a better painter? A famous painter?

🔹Do their motivations seem believable, with well-drawn and appropriate emotion?
Oh, I liked Edith’s motivation. Truly believable and brave. I still don’t understand most of the characters’ motivations, though. I think the author should always make this clearer so that we know what direction the characters are going.

🔸Are the secondary characters well-rounded and enhance the story rather than overwhelming the story or seeming like they should be cut?
Margot, Philippe and Aunt Adele supported the story very well. Including some other historical characters that the author added like Madam Roland. Also, I was excited when Fiona appeared! I had been wondering who the heck was that after reading the blurb.

🔹Are the relationships between the characters believable and not contrived?
The relationships between the characters were actually believable. I could easily tell it through their words and the description of their demeanor (I suspect I have begun to speak like the characters in the story. Forgive me.)

Plot and conflict:
🔸Are the internal and external conflicts well defined for each main character?
Yes, they are well defined. As said before, the author’s descriptive scenes are concise but straight to the point and can be felt.

🔹Are the internal and external conflicts organic and believable, i.e. arising out of characterization and circumstance rather than feeling contrived or forced?
Yes. Their internal/external conflicts are believable. I don’t think any were forced.

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