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HK Review Shop
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Last Updated
20 December 2023

Reviewers: 7
Free: 3

Group List
Month - December

Reviewer - To be Confirmed
Everything Has Changed by AlwaysinWRITERSBLOCK
Because I Met Him by @creativego11
Kayadhu Kalyaan by Kanhakisakhi
A Symphony of Souls by shoebarif 
Taming The Beast by ReganOrtega
A Ballad of Falling Light by XxFaylinexX
From Me To You by beijingcafe
Shadows of Deceit Unfiltered_thoughts
Penny - Guardian by @sunshine091
A night with no stars MercuryEff
The Duchess Daughter by inksaine

Reviewer - HKR_Writes [CLOSED]
Complete payment listed in the Payment page. I will only do books I am interested in.
The Stalker by Olivia_Benedetti - Completed
City of Angels by grimintentions - Completed

Reviewer - BeckyAnyanwu
Permanent follow required to get your review.
Eclipse by FriesxSundae05 - In Progress

Reviewer - romance_lover16
Permanent follow and vote on at least three chapters of thier book.
The Nanny by ONE_H_ - Completed

Reviewer - Itim_na_pluma
Permanent follow, shout STUNNED book, vote and add to your reading list.
House of Cards by @sh_ree_s

Reviewer - ratihfarida20
Stunned by Itim_na_pluma - In Progress

Reviewer - RockerAsta
Permanent follow required to get your review.
Binding Threads by RavingBlack - In Progress

Reviewer - Kanhakisakhi
Permanent follow, shout Kayadhu Kalyaan, vote and read 2 chapters with constructive comments.
Empress of Self-Ruin by @mikrokosmos96 - In Progress

Reviewer - savirakkin
Permanent follow, shout out The Lost Chronicles of a Villainess, add to reading list and read 3 chapters with constructive comments.

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