|Submission Guidelines|

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HK Review Shop
Submission Guidelines

Before you submit your story for review, please take note of the guidelines.

Completion Status
Your story must be either complete or ongoing. If ongoing, it should have a minimum of 10,000 words.

I am open to any genres besides Fanfiction so feel free to submit your book.

Original Work
Only submit stories that are your original work. Plagiarism is not tolerated.

Mature Content
Mature themes are allowed.

LGBTQ+ Content
LGBTQ+ themes are accepted 🌈

Story Focus
HK Review Shop is for any story . Novels, novellas, short stories will be considered. However, works that are less than the specified word count as long as a short review is accepted.

Submission Process
Submit your story using the provided form, including any specific requirements needed in the review.

Respectful Dialogue
Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated whether it is to me or members using my services.

Feedback Utilization
The review you receive is yours to use as you see fit. Share it, reflect on it, and use it to enhance your writing journey.

Review Turnaround
Please note that reviews are conducted in batches of up to ten stories. The review process for each batch is expected is to be confirmed.

Review Acceptance
Submitting your story for review does not guarantee a review. I reserve the right to select stories that align with HK Review Shop focus.

If I do not choose your story, that does not mean your story isn't good, it might not be the book for me. However, that does not mean it won't be someone's favourite. So, keep writing.

Payment must be completed in order to receive your review.

If you have any questions please comment them here.

Thank you,
Harjeet Kaur
Founder of HK Review Shop

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