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Ahhh...there is nothing like the warm tropical sea breeze blowing through your hair as your senses are held captive by the raging sea. Feeling the warm water tickle between your toes as the hot sun bakes overhead, makes me always shiver.

I opened my tired eyes as I gazed across the glossy Coral Sea, blue. How I long to be out there, swimming, living and breathing the sea. I am called to the ocean, but I will not go as I am also dreadfully scared of the water.

It is a constant battle. I am compelled to jump in, sink into the netherworld and remain there. Yet, for some strange reason, I feel that at one time in my life, I once lived under the waves...but now trapped in this human body. I have experienced the sensations of being underwater, and every time that I go under the glass surface in my bathtub, I just want to remain there as it is so peaceful and quiet.

I cannot explain how it feels...but if you know what I mean, then you truly understand my plight. My connection to the ocean was half the reason why I interned with AGSO.

Studying the marine geology here along the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia; it is the career path that I wish to follow. Most of my studies have been along the coastline, looking for evidence of massive tsunamis, which are rare and in-between the layers of history.

The northern and western shoreline have seen some of the most devastating waves in recent history; from the Krakatoa eruption, to the Indonesia earthquakes. However, none of these compare to a massive deluge on the east shoreline that has been almost forgotten.

It was a massive wave, roughly about 12 thousand years ago, that slammed into the Australian headlands, wiping out the indigenous people and sending the survivors inland to escape the horror. Legends tell of how a bright star fell to the earth and landed about 30 miles off the Queensland shoreline.

However, oceanic studies have found no impact crater in the Coral Sea. But considering that it was 12 thousand years ago, it is quite possible that the crater and all evidence have been buried and overgrown with coral. I have studied Stradbroke Island and found that the island was once sea swept...but there is just one area that does not fit in...

"You are aware that where you are going is restricted, mate. And you will be the only soul there!" says the boat captain as we walk down the pier to his awaiting boat called the Dying Gull.

The back of his boat had the image of a skeleton of a seagull resting on a piece of driftwood. Not really an inspiring name when you are about to sail into troubled waters. I readjusted my heavy pack as I just nodded, understanding his reluctance to go anywhere near the 'accursed' island.

"Well, I'm glad that you are aware there, mate." as his eyes echo doubt.

It has taken me over a year to acquire permission to travel to this unique island, as it was set aside as a bird sanctuary for most of the year. While camping at Midgeton, I became infatuated with a far-off away island that just barely kissed the skyline on the horizon.

Ever since seeing its green slopes, I have been called to visit the island. It is like being called home...a calling that you cannot deny. The sanctuary was established as the island had been dubbed 'cursed' ever since it was visited, many moons ago.

I hear a clank-clank-clank of heels running down the gangplank as the captain and I turn to see what all the commotion was all about. I looked upon a familiar face that I have seen on many occasions while attending Suncoast High.

Principal Ōrora hurried to catch up with us as she was clearly out of breath from her run. She straightened out her skirt and then calmed down her rushed demeanor.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 2 - The Crystal Cave (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now