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Atticus came to the conclusion that perhaps the crown wasn't actually as all knowing, or powerful as it had always been purported to be. Dangerous thoughts in dangerous times. Quwent had clearly been torn apart, overwhelming evidence that Atticus nor his dragon had not done it was all over the mutilated body. 

Scribes, a law clerk, Imperial Justice, someone should have come to take a statement from him, interview, question, beat him for the hell of it, just something according to all he heard about being on the wrong side of court.  Without the distraction of court life, his aunt, or even Esti and her intoxicating presence, Atticus tried to be smarter. Be more like Esti. He needed to think.

Atticus put his hand over his chest, Exactly where Esti's claiming mark lay on his skin. Atticus, finally allowed himself a moment to be worried, his flesh was walking evidence directly pointing everyone to who had actually killed Quwent.

Evidence that would reveal Esti as something unexpected. If any saw Esti's claim, they would know she was a dragon and she would be suspect number one. Especially since she had run away the same day as the murder.

Esti was far, far away. While she did not seem entirely comfortable wherever she currently was, she was safe. Atticus was going to do every single thing he possibly could to make sure she stayed that way. His dragon was there to make certain of it. Objective one, ensure Esti's beautiful claim on his skin remained unseen and unknown.
She was their mate. Theirs to protect. 


Before the first hour on the boat had passed, Esti had already long since decided that travel by boat across the ocean was her least favorite way to travel. The motions of the ocean tossing and churning the boat over and down wave after wave. Esti felt nauseated. She had dreamed once, that she had gone to a real amusement park, rode on roller coasters and other thrill rides that the humans had devised. If they were anything like being on the ocean in a small boat, Esti decided she no longer wanted any part of it.

Instead of feeling anything like luxury, thrills or pleasure, Esti was curled in the cabin of the small boat, underneath the bow. Trying to will herself to sleep in the small bunk as the waves continued to roll them around. Esti was doing her damndest to squeeze the pillow from the bunk over her head tight enough to block out the world.

She was interrupted from her attempt to escape reality by the sound of heavy footfalls coming down the steps, then through the small galley on the boat. Stopping, when they reached the doorway. "You have been down here the whole trip, we are nearly at our destination, it's worth seeing the approach." Joe said, Esti turned, and he was clearly excited by something.

Esti sat up on the bunk, mindful not to smack her head against the top bunk. Having done that once already when she woke from an almost dream swearing something had called out to her from the sea. Looking at Joe and feeling like she did not have all the pieces to whatever game Joe was playing. "It's an island? Can't I just wallow here until we dock?" Esti was exhausted in every possible way. Her scalp felt tired from the weight of just holding her hair at this point.

She missed the second set of lighter footprints. "Joe is telling you the truth, it is worth seeing where we are going, at least the first time." A pause. "Now come up." Theo commanded, immediately heading back to the main deck. Joe jumping to follow. Esti slowly made her way from the bunk, back through the galley and up to the windswept deck.

The night was dark, the clouds that had plagued them at their departure had cleared with either time or distance. Esti emerged from below deck, on unsteady feet. She really, truly was not made to be out on the open ocean on a boat. Joe and Theo had timed things well, when Esti emerged to the fresh night air, there were only a few seconds before a looking, sheer cliff of dark rocks plunged upwards into the sky ahead of them.

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