Andrew Bennett

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Being a vampire was hard as he could risk being in the sun for too long, or else he would risk being weakened to the point of death. But even still, it had some form of blessing it allowed him to meet the people of the Morden world and form new friendships. He got to meet some amazing people, although in the end, he either took them to their deaths or killed them in his grief. It had happened so many times that at some point, he started to try and distance himself from both the world of vampires and all of humanity as well.

Of cause that had come with this empty feeling of loneliness inside Andrew, but he had at least thought it would be better than having to feel another guilty death on his conscious. Even though there would be nothing that would be able to distract him from the past that had made him self-loathing. And through that hatred, he began to wonder why he was even alive when he had died so many times, too many times. First, he died as he turned into a vampire. Second, he almost died by Mary putting a stake through his heart, and third of all, being shot by silver bullets. Finally having his body became rotten from the serum that was made to make a new breed of vampires that would give him human attributes.

He had died a slow death as he was wide awake while his body rotted away on its own. Andrew Bennett could only watch what was going around him at that time. Only to be resurrected by the hands of Fate or to be more specific a Doctor Fate. It had made his rage as he woke up to that realisation, but now he felt nothing. It had been years since then, and Andrew hadn't moved on from his grief.

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