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a/n: everything is abt to fall into place im so excited :) also ... i'm a slut for angst and what better than to write it.

also totally unnecessary but shawn is my favorite character and i love writing him and i hope you guys love reading him

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The first time Shawn had the nightmare, it was right after his therapy appointment. He came straight home after a rather emotional session and passed out on their couch.

He wakes up in a sweat, looking around for something to ground himself with. Bring him peace. He gets off the couch and walks into his bedroom, seeing Jaxon sitting there typing away at his computer.

Jaxon looks up, sliding his glasses up his nose. "Hey. Nap good?" He asks.

Jaxon had to practice a speech he has to give as one of his finals earlier which caused Shawn to nap on the couch.

"Uh," His voice trembles. "Y-Yeah...I uhm,"

"Baby?" Jaxon closes his laptop and stands up to grab Shawn's hands. He notices they were shaking and sweaty, and Shawn looked about three seconds from puking.

"What happened?"

"Had a nightmare," Shawn gulps harshly. "More like a memory but in...dream form."

"What was it?" Jaxon asks. He reaches up and runs his fingers through Shawn's hair.

"The uh...The day I got shot," Shawn furrows his brows. "I-...I haven't even like...I don't even remember it but...The dream was so real and I-."

Jaxon nods his head. "Okay...It's okay." He kisses Shawn's hand. "Come on. Let's get back in the bed."

Shawn nods his head and follows Jaxon into the bed. Jaxon opens his arms up for Shawn to lay on him. Usually, he'd resist but he really needed to be held right now.

"You're okay, baby," Jaxon kisses the top of his head. "You're at home. You're not there anymore."

*   *   *

The second time he had the nightmare, it was worse than the first time. Jaxon was asleep in bed next to him when he's woken up to noise.

He groans as he lifts his head, turning around to see Shawn with a bead of sweat covering his forehead. He was shaking and making a sound of despair.

Jaxon had never seen anything like it. Let alone see Shawn ever have a panic attack.

He sits up in bed quickly, shaking Shawn awake. "Hey, hey...Baby, wake up."

Shawn wakes up, his eyes immediately filling with tears. His convulsions became more intense and he was struggling to catch his breath.

"Okay...It's okay," Jaxon holds Shawn's face. "Can you hear me, baby? Breathe with me, okay?"

Shawn meets Jaxon's eyes, hyperventilating. He tries to follow Jaxon's breath. A long breath in and a deep breath out.

"Can you tell me something you see? What's something you can see?" Jaxon asks.

Shawn gulps, his breathing still staggered but more relaxed. "Y-You.."

"Okay. Can you tell me something you feel?"

"The...," A long breath in. "The sheets. I-I can feel the sheets."

𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚢 (𝚋𝚡𝚋)Where stories live. Discover now