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Jaxon washes his hands in the sink, looking up at Shawn through the mirror. "Is my hair okay?"

Shawn walks up to him, nodding his head. "Mhm. You look fine."

Jaxon turns around, slightly tipsy. "All presentable? Ready to walk out there and pretend like we didn't just have a quickie in this nasty ass bathroom?"

Shawn chuckles and steps forward, reaching his hands down to button Jaxon's skinny jeans. "Now you are." He kisses Jaxon on the forehead before they both walk out of the bathroom.

Shawn grabs his arm as they make themselves back to the bar. Jaxon takes a seat at the bar, looking around to find Armonn and Timothy. "Are they gone?"

Shawn glances back. "Nah, dancing." He turns back and places his hand on Jaxon's back. "You want another drink, baby?"

"Uh, yeah. Can you get me another margarita, please?" Jaxon asks.

"You got it."

Jaxon yawns a little and wipes his eyes. Shawn notices him as he slips his card back into his wallet, "Getting sleepy?"

"Uh, yeah a little. You know how I get after we...You know?"

Armonn runs over to Jaxon and Shawn, a smile on his face. "Hey, guys! Where'd you wander off to?"

Jaxon takes a sip of his drink. "Oh, uh...The bathroom."

"Oooh...The bathroom." Armonn raises his eyebrows and smiles. "We all know what clubs are for, huh?"

Jaxon nods and looks around for Timothy. "Where's Timothy?"

"Dancing. I spotted you guys and wanted to say hi. I actually wanted to thank you, guys. I've had my eye on Timothy for a few weeks and...I guess I was also too nervous to talk to him too."

"No problem," Shawn smiles. "We're always happy to help."

They stayed for a few more hours, Jaxon getting drunker and drunker with every drink he had. Shawn was noticing him getting drunk and sleepy and decided they should call it a night.

Timothy and Armonn were still having a great time over drinks. Shawn holds Jaxon up by his waist. "Hey, guys...We're gonna head out, okay?"

Timothy nods and smiles at them. "Okay! Did you guys have a good time?"

"Yeah, of course. I just think I should probably get him to bed. He's a lightweight and I'm pretty sure he's five minutes away from passing out."

Jaxon rolls his eyes. "No, 'm not. I'm perfectly fine." He slurs.

Shawn makes eye contact with the two boys and raises his eyebrows. Armonn stands up and passes Shawn his phone. "Yeah, you guys should give me your numbers so we can hang out again?"

"Sure," Shawn grabs the phone and inputs his phone number. "I'll text you Jaxon's later. Uh, it was nice hanging out. Thanks for the drinks."

Jaxon groans and looks up at Shawn. "Can we stop for wings? And fries? Ooh, and maybe a sandwich."

"Yes, princess. We can get you some food." Shawn leads Jaxon out of the club.

"Why not? I'm hungry." Jaxon whines as Shawn helps him into the car.

"I said, yes. We'll go get you some wings."

Jaxon furrows his brows as he sat in the passenger seat. He looks down at where Shawn was buckling his seatbelt before looking back up. "I don't want wings. Can we get fries instead?"

"Sure, honey." Shawn closes the door before jogging back over to get into the driver's seat.

Once back in the apartment, Jaxon plops down onto the couch. Shawn sighs and grabs Jaxon's arm. "Babe, get up. You can't sleep here."

"Why not? Couch is comfy," Jaxon mumbles.

Shawn grabs Jaxon from under his arms. "You'll complain in the morning about being uncomfortable and cold." Shawn lifts Jaxon up, carrying him to the room. He sets Jaxon on the bed.

He reaches down and unbuttons Jaxon's pants, pulling them down his legs. Jaxon furrows his eyebrows. "Why are we getting naked? We already had sex."

"I'm aware, I'm trying to get you comfortable so you can sleep."

"What if I wanna have sex?" Jaxon asks as he watches Shawn throw his pants onto the floor.

"Uh, no. Not with how wasted you are."

"That's boring. You've never said that before."

"Babe, the only time I've ever had sex with you while you were drunk is when I was drunk too. You know that. Arms up."

Jaxon groans as he lifts up his arms for him. Shawn pulls Jaxon's shirt off his body, tossing it with his pants to form a pile to throw in the wash.

Jaxon giggles and lays back down on the bed. Shawn watches him, shaking his head. "What's so funny?"

Jaxon smiles and looks at Shawn. "You must really loves me. Taking care of me like this. It's cutes." He slurs.

Jaxon groans loudly as he wakes up the next morning. He turns over in bed and sees Shawn sitting up, scrolling on his phone. Shawn smiles at him, "Morning."

"Don't even," Jaxon lays his head down on the pillow, reaching his hand out to rest on Shawn's chest.

Shawn reaches over to the bedside table, passing Jaxon a water bottle. He could hear the raspy undertone of his voice. "Drink some of this."

Jaxon sits up a little and grabs the bottle from him. He hands it back to Shawn and lays back down. "Ugh. What time is it?"

"Uh, it's one. Why?"

"Shit," Jaxon sits up and looks around for his phone. He sees it on the bedside table plugged up and grabs it. "I was supposed to tutor today."

"Might wanna cancel. Not sure how much tutoring you can achieve with a hangover."

Jaxon nods his head and goes to his messages to text the student he was supposed to tutor. His phone buzzes and he smiles when he receives a picture of Armonn and Timothy. "Aww. Did you get the message?"

Shawn nods his head. "Mhm. He put us in a group chat."

"That's so fucking cute," Jaxon sends back heart-eye emojis before setting his phone down. "Okay. I need to shower. I can't cancel on this girl."

"You sure? She can't wait one day?"

Jaxon stands up and stretches. "She's failing really bad and she's here on scholarship so...She needs to bring her grade up asap."

Shawn raises his eyebrows and leans back into the bed. "God, I'm so glad I skipped college."

With Jaxon gone off for tutoring for about an hour or two, Shawn had the house to himself.

He had cleaned up around their room, weirdly wanting to impress Jaxon when he got home. He was currently sitting in the kitchen, working on his next tattoo design.

He was sitting in complete silence, having no form of media playing in the background.

He hears the doorbell ring and curses as he was in a good spot and didn't want to stop drawing. He sets his pencil down and stands up from his seat.

Swinging the door open, he reveals Gavin standing there, holding two bags of his things. "Hey, man."

"Hey?" Shawn answers with the utmost confusion.

"Can I stay here for a few days?" Gavin asks.


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