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Jaxon was sitting at the table, helping Gavin wrap the present he bought for Chantel. Gavin watches Jaxon's hands as he perfectly folds the wrapping paper.

"You think she'll like it?" He asks.

Jaxon looks up and smiles. "I do," He glances back down to the present. "Do you know what you're gonna say?"

"Yeah, I think. I'm gonna be honest...Something I should've been."

"It's gonna be okay, Gav," Jaxon passes the now-wrapped present to him. "Promise."

"I hope the present isn't too much. I just...She deserves it and I want her to have it."

"I think she won't mind," Jaxon offers a small smile. "Run me through what you're gonna say."

Gavin sighs and sits up. "Uh. I'm gonna tell her that...She was right and I'm glad she stood up for herself. And...I regret not telling her and...I would never treat her like that."

Jaxon can't help but smile at his words. He could tell just how much Gavin cares and loves Chantel.

"I'm gonna tell her that...I'm so concerned about losing people that I often lose sight of what's right in front of me."

Jaxon nods his head, reaching his hand out to Gavin. "I think that's great, Gav. I think she'll hear you out."

Shawn walks out of their bedroom, as he finished getting dressed. He shoves his keys into his pockets. "You ready, baby?"

Jaxon looks up at Shawn and smiles. "Mhm," He stands up and grabs his bag off the table. "You're gonna do great, Gav."

Shawn sets his hand on Gavin's shoulder. "We're off to his ortho appointment. You're okay by yourself?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay. Have fun guys."

Gavin uses his key to walk back into his apartment. It was completely clean from head to toe.

He sighs and sets his bags down. He was gonna wait to unpack, allowing Chantel to make the decision about the two.

He knew she was still in class as he still knew her schedule. He sets her present down on the table and begins to prepare her favorite meal. He grabs a pot out of their cabinet.

"I should've told you the truth," Gavin whispers to himself. "No...I should've talked to you the minute she texted me."

Gavin nods his head as he begins boiling the water. "I have a hard time...Knowing when to..." He curses as he can't get his words together. "Knowing how to understand how my actions have consequences."

Chantel opens the front door and sees Gavin standing in front of the stove, whispering to himself. She sets her backpack down by the front door. "Gavin?"

Gavin turns around as he sees Chantel. "Oh...Hey babe."

Chantel blushes a little and steps forward. She sees the meal that he prepared. "What are you doing?"

"Oh! I-I knew you'd be hungry when you got home from class and...I-I wanted to talk to you...About us." Gavin looks back at the stove, not realizing how much time had passed since he finished cooking.

Chantel nods her head. "Okay. Can you give me a second to get changed?"

Gavin smiles and nods. "Sure." Gavin watches her walk to their bedroom. He lets out a sigh and begins plating their food. He sets both plates on the table, grabbing Chantel's gift in her hands.

Chantel came out of the room five minutes later and changed into some more comfortable clothes, her hair now up in a puff. She takes a seat at the table next to Gavin, smiling at her favorite meal being cooked.

"Winning my heart with food?" She jokes.

"If that's what it takes," Gavin says. "Uhm...I don't want to wait to talk or...Be super dramatic but...I really want to talk about everything."

Chantel nods her head. "Okay."

Gavin fumbles with the present in his hands and sighs. "I should've told you that Mia texted me. The minute I saw the message. I should've just shown it to you instead of acting secretive. Cause' I care about you so much, and I have so much respect and I didn't show it."

Chantel watches Gavin's face, listening attentively.

"I'm not good with like...Knowing how to talk about things I feel or whatever. I'm constantly scared of losing people and I always fuck up because I'm so scared. But I just want you to know how sorry I am. I'm so fucking in love with you Chantel and...I promise to do so much better."

Chantel smiles and reaches out to grab Gavin's hand. "I know. Can you look at me?" She waits for Gavin to make eye contact with her. "You have a history with Mia, I get it. Just...Promise we can talk about it? I don't like feeling like you're hiding something from me."

"I will...And I'm sorry for hurting you. I really am," Gavin looks down at the gift in his hands. "Oh, uhm...This is for you."

Chantel smiles and grabs the gift from him. "Got me a present?"

"Just...Something to put a smile on your face." He smiles back.

Chantel chuckles and rips the paper off the box. She takes the lid off to reveal a ring. She looks up, squinting. "Are you proposing?"

"No, Nah," Gavin chuckles. "Just...A promise ring for you. That I'll be the man you deserve." He grabs the ring out of the box. "So?"

Chantel smiles and simply nods. "Of course, dummy." Gavin slides the ring over her finger. "Gimme a kiss."

Gavin scoots his chair closer to Chantel. Gavin grabs her by her chin, leaning in to kiss her a few times. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." She smiles. "Now I'm not sure about you but I want to indulge in this good-looking meal."

Shawn holds the door open for Jaxon. He had an ice pack against his mouth as he got his braces tightened. He groans and looks over at Shawn. "Why'd I have to get them fucking tightened again?"

Shawn chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "Couldn't tell you."

Jaxon whines and takes a seat at the table. Shawn smiles at him and sets the pint of ice cream in front of Jaxon. "You got this." He grabs a spoon from the drawer and hands it to him.

"Just a few more months, baby." Shawn takes a seat next to him.

"I don't know why it hurts so bad. It usually doesn't hurt this bad since I've had them for so long."

"Eat your ice cream, baby." Shawn feels his phone vibrating and grabs his phone out of his pocket. He glances down and sees Gavin was calling. "Hello?"

"Hey. Good news...I won't have to sleep on your couch anymore."

"You know that's not what I meant. Congrats, man. I told you...You just needed to talk to her and I'm glad you did."

Gavin chuckles. "Yeah. How are you doing? How was Jax's appointment?"

Shawn glances at Jaxon who was devouring his ice cream. "He's okay...In pain. They tightened his braces and he's miserable."

"Poor guy. Uh, I just called to let you know. Also, big thank you to you guys for letting me stay with you guys. I know I was a pain in the ass but I'm grateful. Especially for the advice from both of you."

"No problem, man. You know that. I'm glad that you settled that shit with her. Just don't fuck up again." Shawn jokes.


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