Thirty Four:

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We were walking for 35 minutes down a long road that we didn’t know where it led. 

“This isn’t fun anymore Harry. We are lost!” I complained.

“Just be quiet Grace! I thinking!” Harry yelled.

“Don’t yell Harry. You’re the one who got us in this stupid situation!”

“Don’t blame me! I was protecting you!” 

“You decided to punch him in the face. Don’t even bring me into this.”

“I planned this entire trip for you and this is how you repay me? You yell at me?”

“Fine, I’ll find my own way back to the hotel.” i said turning back the other way.

“Wait!” Harry said puling my arm.


“I can’t let you walk back to the hotel by yourself. It’s not safe. And it would be better if we stayed together because we both don’t know where we are going.” 

“Fine.” I said to Harry, I was still angry at him but I can’t be that angry.

We walked for 20 mire minutes when I heard garbage cans falling over. I grabbed onto Harry. I was scared.

“Don’t worry, it’s probably a dog or something.” Harry said ‘protecting’ me. The noise got louder. It was too dark to see anything, but I think we were in some kind of neighborhood. Then a light came on. I saw Harry jump. 

“Olå? Hello?” I heard a voice come out from behind something.

“Stay back Grace.” Harry said protecting me. “Who are you?”

“I’m here to help you.” The man said. He had a flashlight and car keys

“We don’t need your help.” Harry said but then I stepped forward.

“Why do you want to help us?” I asked.

“Because I owe you sir. You did something that no one in this town thought of.”

“What are you talking about?” Harry asked. I noticed the man. 

“You punched Daniel Villa.”


“Mr. Villa is a regular at that bar. He always is trying to start trouble and most people here just take it. I go there a lot because I work there, he is always trying to hurt someone. But no one would ever stand up to him. I’m an older man and can’t handle the younger generations but you stood up to him.”

“It’s nothing big. I just did what I thought was right.” Harry confessed.

“Let me give you a ride back to you hotel. You seem lost.”

“We’re fine.”

“Oh please it would be my honor.” He smiled.

“Let’s go. I can’t walk any longer.” I said pulling harry towards the mans car. This was probably stupid and not a good idea but at this point I didn’t care.

We drove in silence for 5 minutes before the man started talking.

“How long have you two been married?” He asked. I actually started laughing.

“We’re not married sir. This is my girlfriend.” Harry said. Even in the darkness of the back seat you can see his face turn red.

“Oh I just assumed. You guys act like it. Bickering one minute then gushing your love for each other the next. You two are pretty enchanting.”

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now