Twenty Eight:

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Two Weeks Later:

“Harry get out of bed you’re going to be late for your meeting!” I said going into his bedroom. It was freezing cold, like he likes it, and extra dark. Harry groaned and refused to lift his head out from under the covers. Shadow was sprawled across the other side of his bed, but moved when I went to sit down.

“Harry are you okay?” I asked rubbing the blanket where his head is.

“no.” he managed to mutter.

“What’s wrong?” I asked removing the blanket. The color in Harry’s face had gone and he looked terrible. “You’re sick Harry.” I said putting my hand on his forehead and then I ran over to the thermostat to rase the heat.

“I’m fine.” he said coughing.

“Get back under those covers or you will freeze to death.” I said and he did as I said.

“But you said that I have to go to that meeting.”

“Not when you’re sick. You defiantly have a fever you’re boiling up. Don’t move.” I said going into the hallway bathroom that had a thermometer. I took it out and brought it back to Harry.

“Put this in your mouth.” I said and harry chuckled, he obviously took that sexually. The thermometer beeped after a minute.

“You have a 101.3 fever! You’re not going to the meeting and you’re not leaving this room.” i said turning on the Television and throwing him the remote.

“But I have to it’s for the solo job.” He said.

“Well I don’t care if you were being crowed King you’re not leaving. You’re sick.” I said sitting down as Harry laid back under the covers Shadow laid next to him, trying to comfort him.

“I have to at least tell them I can’t go.” he said taking his phone out but I snatched it out of his hands.

“I’ll tell them. You need rest. I’ll be back in an hour to check on you. Would you like me to make you some soup?” I asked.

“Grace you don’t have to do all this for me. I’m a grown man.”

“You’re also my boyfriend and I have to take care of you. I’ll let the bakery know I can’t come in because I have to take care of you. And i’ll make a few phone calls. Go to sleep. C’mon Shadow.” I said calling the dog, but he didn’t move.

“At least let me have my dog.” He said petting Shadow.

“Fine, but get some rest. I’m calling the doctor too.”

“I hate the doctor.” He muttered but I shut the door with Harry’s phone in my hand I dialed management.

“Hello?” A young girl answered the phone. 

“Hi this is Grace Prim, Harry Styles girlfriend. I was wondering if there was some way you could connect me to the person in charge of a meeting that was taking place this afternoon?” I asked taking out ingredients that  would go into the soup.

“Yes. Mr. Daniels. I’ll connect you right away.”

“Thank you.” I said being put on hold. Within Minutes I was connected.

“Hello, Mr. Daniels of Modest Management speaking.”

“Hello sir, this is Grace Prim. Harry’s Styles girlfriend. I’m calling in regards to the meeting he was supposed to attend.” 

“Hello Ms. Prim. I hope everything is alright with Harry.”

“Well the thing is, Harry is incredibly ill at the moment. He is running a fever and I need to take him to the doctor. Harry cannot make it to this meeting that was this afternoon.” 

“Damn it’s a shame he is sick. It’s fine that he cannot make the meeting. We will reschedule it for later in the week. Please inform me when Harry is better and well enough to make it to the office. Send him my regards for him to recover quickly.”

“I will. Thank you for understanding sir.”

“No problem Ms. Prim. Have a lovely rest of the day.” He said hanging up. That went well, was all I could think of. 

I just finished pouring the chicken soup into a bowl when the heard the excitement of Cream’s tail hitting the island in the middle of the kitchen. Shadow walked into the kitchen greeting her.

“Harry you’re supposed to stay in bed.” I said as he tried to hide in the living room.

“BUt I don’t want to. It’s boring in there and there was nothing on TV and I couldn’t fall back asleep. I keep getting hot, and then cold and then hot and then cold.” He said walking into the kitchen in sweatpants, a hoodie and a blanket wrapped around his body.

“Come here.” I said holding him and he put his head in the crevasse between my shoulder and neck. I rubbed his back as he shook. I assumed this was a time when he was freezing.

“I don’t feel well.”He said.

“I know you’re sick Harry. But I made you soup. It’s my mom’s recipe. I had to call her up to ask her for it. She sends you her wishes to get better.” I said and Harry sat down at the table and I handed him the soup.

“Did you call up for the meeting?” He asked feeding himself.

“Yes I got the meeting changed. Mr. Daniels said that you can come in for it whenever you’re feeling better.”

“Mr. Daniels was always a big fan of mine, he normally doesn’t do things like this.”

“He seemed like a nice guy on the phone.”

“You probably got him on a good day.”

“When you finish your soup I need you to get dressed.”


“I’m taking you to the doctors.”

“But...”He protested.

“Don’t protest. You have to go. I even talked to your mother..”

“You called my mom?”

“Yes. She is such a lovely lady. I told her how you were and she said that no matter what you try to do or say I have to take you to the doctor. She said that you hate the doctors.”

“I do. It’s the worst place ever, even worse then the dentist.” harry said finishing his soup.

“How did you like the soup?” I asked.

“It’s was actually really amazingly great. I feel so much better, so I don’t need the doctors.”

“Go brush your teeth we are leaving in five minutes.” I smiled kissing his forehead.

“Yes mom.” He said stomping up the stairs.

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now