Love Me, Father

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We all arose from the crimson floor and lifted our heads to face Maverick. Maverick motioned his finger towards the Sins, signaling for them to take their thrones. Wrath and Greed went to their respective thrones while Pride stood before me, a look of determination painted on her face.

Pride waited for Greed and Wrath to take their seats before she spoke.

"All powerful and mighty, Lord Maverick. I have come to you with a request." She spoke eloquently. "You see, my little friend here, has been-"

"What is it that you hide from your Lord, Pride?" Maverick interrupted impatiently. His voice echoing throughout the Towering Inferno.

Pride sighed, then took a few steps away from me. Completely revealing me to all the Sins and, worst of all, Maverick.

"Do my eyes deceive me, or is that not the Demon of Torment I have personally sent to the human realm?" Maverick narrowed his eyes. "Why have you returned without a Dark Being by your side?!" He roared angrily.

"Yes, my Lord, it is I, Lilith." I managed to mutter out. "Unfortunately, due to matters beyond my control.....I have failed the task you have given me......but the good news is-"

"You little wretch! How dare you return empty handed?! How utterly useless can one demon be? What's next? Are you going to tell me that you can't even walk straight without instruction? Remove yourself from my castle at once and never return! I will find someone more competent to carry out my work!" His voice boomed in my head, further cementing my self-pity and diminishing the little self-esteem I had possessed.

I could hear the twins snickering behind Maverick. They grinned and made cruel gestures towards me. The other Sins stared at me, some in pity and some in disgust.

"My Lord, please stop this." Envy chimed in. "Let the demon finish her statement before biting off her head." She said tiredly.

"Thank you, Envy." Pride said. "As Lilith was trying to say before being cut off, Lennox has given her another chance as a Guardian Angel. She will use this opportunity to mend her mistakes and fulfill your plan."

"Who's to say she will not fail miserably again?" Maverick snarled.

"The only reason she has failed before is because of your little 'queens' interfering and influencing her human's mind and her human's environment. They are the reason there has been no progress in invading the overworld."

The twins paused their laughter. Maverick turned his head to face them.

"Is this true?" He asked rather softly.

"No, father. We would never dare to defy you." They said in unison. Those evil witches. They knew calling him 'father' would soften his judgement.

"Do you really believe them, Lord Maverick? Are you willing to choose favour over victory?" Pride asked.

There was silence for a moment.

"Listen here; why don't you just disallow the twins access to the human realm? It's that simple. Now, if the demon fails, you will know for sure it is her own fault." Envy declared. She was royally annoyed by her lord's incompetence and ignorance.

"That does make sense." Greed remarked. "Your thoughts, Lord Maverick?"

Maverick looked deep in thought. He may have been ancient, but his mind had rotted out to nothing long ago. He was so incapable of basic critical thinking that he would always resort to violence. He wanted to make it look as if he were thinking of a better plan, only to finally 'give up' and accept Envy's proposal. That was how he was. Why do I desperately seek approval from such a vile god?

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