Farewell Little Humans

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The little girl finally opened her drowsy eyes. She had been sleeping for around ten hours. The average duration for a little eight year old girl. She lazily rolled out of bed and walked into her bathroom. As she looked into her bathroom mirror, she shrieked.

There in the mirror, staring back at her was a tall, dark skinned humanoid, with opaque wings and red eyes, glaring down at her. She blinked and the monster vanished.

She took a few heavy breaths, trying to convince herself what she saw was not real. It was only her imagination.

I sighed. I can't believe I allowed a mere human to see me. I need to improve my spells.

This new role as a 'Guardian Angel' is extremely tiring. Constantly watching over your human, ensuring that they were safe and protected whilst simultaneously hiding your form.
How troublesome.

I watched the little girl as she brushed her teeth, bathed, packed her school bag, dressed herself and took the bus to school.
I entered the bus with her, and sat in the seat next to hers. No one really talked to her, she was an outsider, a freak.

Her classmates started rumors about her. They said she was evil, that she worked with the devil himself.
No one dared to come close to her because she gave off a sinister energy. There was even an incident where a girl who used to bully the little girl, saw me in the corner of her eye.

I did this purposefully.

The more she bullied my human, the more I corrupted her mind. She soon saw me everywhere she glanced. In her pictures, on the far end of streets, in her mirrors, behind her parents at dinnertime and even beside her whilst she pretended to sleep.
Her mind soon fell.

She was distraught, and no one seemed to no why. She was deemed insane.
Her own parents put her in a mental institution where she later committed suicide.

She got what she deserved. Even though she was bullied, my human still attended the bully's funeral. I had no choice but to follow her.
We were bounded to each other.

"We are gathered here today, to honour our sweet angel, Dahlia."
Hmm, that was her name. Dahlia.

I could see her, or more precisely, her spirit. She was staring at her lifeless corpse in the casket. She then lifted her head, and waved at me. I waved back.
She waved to my human as well. She could not see her.

She hovered over the congregation, speedily, then paused a few feet away from me. I reached for her hand. She gave it to me. I lifted my other, free hand and swirled my index finger in a clockwise motion.
A portal appeared.

I stepped closer. I had seen this same portal a million times before, if not more. It was the staircase to the underworld. My home. Or, as the humans say, 'hell'.

The stairs were made from blood-red crimson. They glowed in the dark void.

I turned to face Dahlia. She seemed content. She had accepted her fate.
She had committed sins in her life and would now have to pay the ultimate price. She was an avid shoplifter, who bullied her classmate, then committed suicide.

All were against Lennox's laws. Maverick would be proud.

She lifted her head. Her calm hazel eyes met my dead, red eyes.

"Thank you." She muttered. Before I knew it, she stepped through the portal. She was on the other side. There was no going back now. I swirled my index finger in a counterclockwise motion. The portal disappeared, along with Dahlia.

I sighed. Another young soul in the underworld.

As the congregation sang their last hymn to their false god, I hurriedly made my way next to my human's side. It was very foolish to leave her alone for such a long time. As the service came to an end, Dahlia's parents came rushing towards my human. The older female human hugged my human. A strange, transparent liquid flowed from her eyes as they hugged. This indicated sorrow.

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