Everything Bad And Heinous

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"Come on! Hurry!" The twins beckoned to me as they hovered out of The Great Elysium.

I sighed. Let's just hurry and get this over with. I followed them as we 'transported' ourselves to another room. Overseeing Eye.

Angels use the Overseeing Eye's power of spectation and foresight to monitor their humans from home and to make predictions about their humans. This room is also where guardian angels are shown and are briefly informed of the humans they should guard. This was the case for me.

"Ooo. I am so excited for this!" Humility shouted. "Have a look! Come on, quickly!"

As I stared at the walls of the Overseeing Eye, the walls began to twist and turn until it morphed into a scene. It played out like a film.

 It played out like a film

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I saw a male human. A very old one, in fact. He was bald, had golden teeth, and wore lavish clothing. The scene before me continued to play out.

The old man, was seated on a throne, with silver and golden coins flooding his throne room. This was a metaphor for his wealth. The Overseeing Eye loved using these. Metaphors. To test our minds.

It then showed me female humans, dressed provocatively, dancing around the man, with clear liquid flowing from their eyes—a sign of sadness. This was a metaphor for the man's lust and brutality towards those who brought him pleasure.

Next, the Overseeing Eye showed me a scene of the man kicking and berating a beggar for choosing to beg before his hotel. One of the many he owned. The man later hired some other men to end the beggar's life. In broad daylight.

No one cared. Or maybe no one wanted to take on the dare of facing the wicked man. The Overseeing Eye didn't bother to show me a metaphor this time. I knew it was serious.

Suddenly, an inquiry arose in my mind. "Why would such a mature human need a guardian angel in the first place? Aren't those assigned at birth?" I asked Humility.

"Well, yes they are; but your human is a bit different." She said with humour. My concerned face brought her back into her professional state.

"This man right here is overflowing with demonic energy. He is very closely aligned with The Seven Deadly Sins."

"Okay?" I asked.

She continued. "And, as you may know, The Sins and The Virtues are drastically more powerful than that of regular demons and angels. So, whenever a human emits as much demonic energy as a Sin, it corrupts any regular angel, to the point of destruction."

"Wow, that's strangely fascinating." I commented.

"Yes, it is, isn't it? That is exactly what happened to this human's previous guardian angel. And the one before that. And the one before that other one."

"How do you know that?" I inquired. She laughed.

"Overseeing Eye showed me a while ago whilst you saw a preview of your 'difficult case'."

I laughed along with her.

Humility was right. This human was a difficult case. Or maybe he will be easy for me. As long as a I followed Maverick's plan. A plan of destruction and torment.


I hurriedly bidded the twins and The Heavenly Virtues goodbye. I had no time to waste. I could feel Maverick's hatred and dissatisfaction burning down my spine. It was never a nice feeling.

As I descended into the underworld, the bright feathers of my wings shedded into a black, opaque void. Similar to the wings of a crow.

My eyes faded out of that pristine blue, into a blood red hew. My dainty, delicate feet, were now course and bore claws. My face became corrupted while my heavenly clothing turned grim and depressing. This was the pain of being a demon. Looking scary and menacing doesn't always reflect the person on the inside.

Too bad humans judge from what's on the outside. Can you blame them? It is second nature to them. A security measure, if you will. Used to gauge the threat before them. Just how Lennox had designed them.

Unfortunately for humans, we demons were created to outmanoeuvre this mechanism. Most demons are hideous and repulsive monstrosities you would never dream of seeing. But not all.

The demons Maverick sends to do his bidding in the human realm are beautiful, enchanting creatures with enticing figures and alluring eyes, meant to fool even the strongest man.

I am one of these creations. I am nothing but the bait placed on the hook of a fishing rod, to attract the foolish fish. Obviously, I didn't want to believe that. I didn't want to believe that I was nothing but bait.

So, I fully submitted myself to Maverick. I worshipped him until my knees bled black blood. I begged for his praise and cried for my mistakes. I poured out myself into various tasks given to me by The Sins, only to be jeered at.

I went through it all. I had almost lost all my hope, until one day, he announced me as a new 'Demon of Torment'. The complete opposite of a Guardian Angel.

Words cannot describe how I felt in that moment. Accomplished? Rewarded? Overjoyed? Yes. I believe so. But still, in the back of my heart, I knew there would be a price to pay for working so closely with Maverick.

I was willing to take the risk. How foolish I was. Now I am on my way to the big bad himself. About to report an embarrassing failure.

Corrupting a human.

How simple it was. Or how simple it was supposed to be for me. A seasoned demon with experience. That was it. All I had to do and the rest would've played out on its own.

Maverick's plan was for me to corrupt all the humans Lennox assigned me to guard. Then, turn them into Dark Beings and send them into the overworld to torment and destroy, ultimately causing pure havoc.

Even though Lennox and Maverick made an agreement eons ago, not to disrupt the balance in the worlds, Maverick is more than willing to break that agreement. He is petty and bitter. I had not agreed with this 'plan' and tried to indirectly express that I was uncomfortable with this idea. Unsurprisingly, he did not take kindly to my reluctancy.

He is so stubborn that he doesn't see the flaws and errors he has made.

Dark Beings are humans that have been corrupted by demonic energy and have been enlightened with angelic energy simultaneously, but not enough to fully transform them into an angel or a demon.

Sounds great. Here's the problem.

They are extremely difficult to create. In order to create a Dark Being, the level of demonic and angelic energy must be equal, which is near to impossible to complete. The human will most likely die before the transformation is completed or even before they have fully received the energy. Which alerts Lennox and threatens my safety in the overworld, while my failure threatens my safety in the underworld as well. There is no room for failure.

Of course, Maverick does not care. He only cares about himself and how he can beat Lennox once and for all. He has an eternal grudge against Lennox for something that happened in the past. Long before demons and angels were even created.

Insufferable is only one of a few words that describe Maverick.


My feet finally touched the dry, desolate ground of the underworld. I took a deep breath. Here I was. My dreaded origin.

How unfair of me to be in such a place. To belong here amongst the wicked and the damned.

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