Ch-11 Godzilla Resurgence

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No one's POV

The entire room was silent. Nobody talked, nor did anyone try to initiate a conversation. It was so silent that one could cut through the tension with a butter knife.

But after what seemed like forever, Gyozen finally decided to speak up.

"So... Is that absolutely everything...?" She asked Miki Saegusa, who nodded in response.

Gritting her teeth she looked down while clenching her fists. "Bastard... Who the hell does he think he is ?"

"General. If everything Ms. Saegusa just said is true, then I believe we must stay away from the titan known as Gojira Prime." Serizawa voiced his obvious concern.

"And then what?! You saw what he did! To Nagasaki! Even though we managed to evacuate a lot of people, the death toll was still astonishing! And not in a good way!" Gyozen screamed.

"What do you expect me to do?! More then 200,000 people died! Two alien titans lost! All to one kaiju! And you're telling me, he didn't even show us a fraction of what he was capable of?!" She stared at Miki, who looked extremely solemn and stared down on the ground.

"You're telling me, that thing deliberately held back the power of his atomic breath to inflict torment on Gigan and Megalon ? You're telling me that he could've destroyed the entire city in ONE attack?!" Gyozen didn't want to believe. She did not. How could she... How could they, the humans, the most powerful and dominant race on the planet, bow down to this monster?! The thought of that nearly made Gyozen want to punch someone in the face, but she held it all in.

"General. Throughout history, we've done this several times. Everytime we discover something new, we humans exploit it to its absolute limit. And we have not stopped even now." Serizawa started speaking.

"The arrogance of mankind, was believing that nature was under our control. It wasn't. It never was and it never will be. The truth is... It's the other way around." He then pointed at the screen, which showed a tracking of Gojira Prime's current location and trajectory. "And he, is here to reset the laws of the world."

The human had to literally use satellites to keep track of Prime because they couldn't get any technology near him, as the EMP and insane levels of electromagnetic radiation would shut down and crush anything mechanical near or around him.

"And what the hell should I do about that?! Tell me!! If you're that smart. If you know everything, then tell me what needs to be done!" Gyozen demanded. Her eyes filled with hatred. Hatred for Godzilla. Hatred for the kaiju. Hatred for MONARCH.

"Nothing. We do nothing."

"Are you stupid or what?! He's going to exterminate most of humanity! He didn't give us an exact number, but he himself told Miki Saegusa that he'd wipe out billions of human! Billions!"

None of them could actually say anything against her. They honestly had no clue what to do about this, if they could even do anything that was. Ultimately, they were all powerless and would just have to sit and watch Gojira wipe out most of humanity.

"Where's he going now, Dr. Gojo ?"

Gojo, was has been staring at the screen for the past two minutes, stayed silent for a while. After this round of silence, she finally raised her head and looked at the rest of the room with a distressed expression.

"What's the matter, Dr. Gojo ? What of Gojira ?"

Gojo gulped and looked at the others with a face that looked like she was confused and wanted serious answers. An expression of hopelessness.

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