Ch-8 Doomsday I

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No one's POV

Megalon was stuck in that posture. The sheer strength behind that furious headbutt put her nervous system out of wack. Her pupils were gone and only whites were seen as blood dripped from the bruise on her head. The intimidating male kaiju only raised his head back up, the blood evaporating and his wound healing instantly. With a mighty roar, he rammed his head onto Megalon a second time.

This time, the force of impact was so great that it completely broke Megalons horn. Megalon began foaming from her mouth as her legs gave out and she fell to her knees. After this, Gojira drove his foot forward, slamming right on Megalon's chest.

This not only left an indent on her armour and shattered it, but it ripped the drills out of Gojira's body, making thousands of gallons of blood spray out and paint the ground and buildings red with his blood.

But this painful, gut-wrenching experience didn't seem to faze Gojira, as his face remained stoic. Unfazed by he pain, the gaping chest wound began to close up yet again. He then took a small step closer to the nearly unconscious Megalon, whose brain was still discombobulated. Lifting his heavy foot up, he stomped down on Megalons chest with insane force. Her armour broke off as the ground caved in under his weight.

Megalons consciousness snapped back and blood shot out of her orifices. She spit out blood in response and screamed in agony as Gojira's foot began to crush her ribs and compress her lungs and other internal organs.

Gigan slashed at Jet Jaguar, who slid under her and swiped her legs off, making her fall in her knees and arms. Jet Jaguars then leaped up in the air with her foot raised and brought it down on the back of Gigan's head, making her eat a mouth full of dirt. Jet Jaguar then stomped on her head again while she was still down, making her body straighten out from the pain.

Screaming in frustration, Gigan swiped her blades around in an attempt to cut her opponent's legs open, but Jet Jaguar jumped away before she could. Panting tiredly, she struggled to get back on her feet, using a nearby building as support. Blood was dripping into her eyes, making her eyes hurt. The red skies, red blood and her red visor made it extremely hard for her to see, almost blinding her.

"Y-You... bitch! I'll... I'll k... I'll kill yo-" She couldn't finish her sentance as Jet Jaguar drove her iron foot right onto Gigan's face, shattering her visor and sending glass shards into her skin.

Gigan fell down on the ground harshly while Jet Jaguar stood there proudly with an amused smirk on her face.

"Oh, what's wrong ? Can't fight on your own ? Always need someone else to back you up ?" Jet Jaguar taunted, insinuating that she was only losing because Gigan and Megalon teamed up on her.

Which wasn't exactly wrong. Jet Jaguar was winning against Megalon and things turned south for her only after Gigan appeared.

"Come on~ Get up! We're not finished."


Gigan then widened her bleeding eyes when she felt cold fingers wrapping around her ankle.

"What are you-"

Before she could finish, Jet Jaguar yanked her off the ground and threw her against a nearby building, breaking it apart.

Blinded by rage, Gigan removed herself from the rubble and rushed at Jet Jaguar, swinging violently at the robot, who sighed in response. Ducking under her strike, Jet Jaguar lowered herself around her attacker and wrapped her arms around Gigan's waist. Gigan then yelped when Jet Jaguar lifted her off the ground and delivered a german suplex on her. This shattered the earth behind her and severely hurt Gigan, who gnashed her teeth together.

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