Ch-9 Doomsday II

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No one's POV

The city skies were filled with dark red and black clouds which spiralled around the city like a hurricane. It had gotten so bad in fact, that all the birds and insects in the sky were all transfigured into abominations.

The city was completely destroyed, not even a single building left. Nagasaki looked even worse than it did after the US dropped the sun on it in 1945. It can't even be considered a city anymore. It was just a barren wasteland. And that's not even mentioning the insane radiation levels the city now had. As unfortunate as it is, the city and the area around it will be inhabitable for possibly an entire century after this.

A bunch of excavators, cranes and tanks were seen in motion while several people wearing hazmat suits were all walking around in the destroyed city.

"J-Jet Jaguar!! Are you alright?! Don't worry! We'll give you repairs right away!" A worried Ibuki told as a completely worn out Jet Jaguar was seen laying down against the ground.

Jet Jaguar wasn't really in the best of conditions right now. The injuries she suffered due to Megalon and Gigan, combined with the ocean water reacting to her exposed insides really roughed her up. She has a massive gash on her back and her right forearm was almost ripped off. She also had a large stab wound in her side and many scarpes and open wounds around her body. Her wired were exposed and electricity sparked out.

Gigan was still stuck under that rubble, knocked out like a light. The humans around her were ready to attack any time she woke up, but Gyozen had plans to kill this Kaiju in their sleep. She didn't care about Megalon, since Megalon was already in critical condition. Megalon's condition was arguably far worse than Gigan. Clearly there's a very large difference in power between a kick from Jet Jaguar and a simple kick from Gojira. Gyozen didn't bother to do anything with Megalon, since she would probably die just there. It wouldn't take too long for her to die anyway. And Megalon was in constant agony due to the horrendous beating she endured.

Gigan faced humiliation. Megalon faced Doomsday. That's the difference between them.

Speaking of Doomsday, Gojira was stuck under several hundred thousand tonnes of rubble. He also seemed like he was out, but they couldn't see his face. They knew his body was there because his dorsal plates and tail tip stuck out of the destroyed ground. He had Archetype and radiation all over his body, yet he made no sounds. Not even a subtle croak. Thats the reason why the excavation team was here. To dig him out so they could salvage his corpse.

"Are you sure he's dead...? He's the same species as Godzilla right ? He might have the same energy absorbing ability as Godzilla..." Gojo said, feeling extremely uneasy about this whole ordeal. How could he do that much damage only to be taken out by a few nukes. She didn't buy it.

Gojo knew Godzilla would survive a knew. She didn't know if she could survive multiple though. But she wasn't completely convinced that this specimen was dead. She wanted to be entirely sure. Though, research was still conducted.

Now, as for how Megalon and Gigan managed to survive those nukes. Nobody knows. They were not supposed to be that durable. But they did notice a bunch of Archetype had fallen and covered their bodies. Maybe it had something to do with that...

"What's the damage report on Jet Jaguar ?" Ibuki questioned anxiously.

"Well, her information processing source has been damaged, along with her scanner. She's got stab wounds on her body and a few wired missing. So her right arm needs to be completely repaired from scratch. And the saline water of the oceans have basically fried her motor systems. We'll need to lift her out of here." Ibuki seemed so devastated by this, but she was glad Jet Jaguar was still alive.

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