Ch-3 First Male Kaiju

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No one's POV

A helicopter was seen flying at a high altitude above the boiling red ocean while recording the seen and broadcasting it in the news for everyone to see.

"Evacuations of the coasts of Nagasaki have already begun as what appears to be an large aquatic animal is makings its way to the city. The red liquid it has left behind it incredibly hot and the being behind this is still unknown. The military has also been mobilized in the city of Nagasaki. But until we learn more about the events that have happened, we will keep you tuned in." The screen was then switched off as Gyozen glared at the rest of the people.

"This kaiju is a threat and must be eliminated as soon as possible." She spoke out her personal opinion.

"I disagree. We should just drive her away and study her." Serizawa retorted.

"Dr. Serizawa. We've lost three battleships and nearly a six jets in over the ocean. The bodies can't even be retrieved due to the radioactive liquids." Gyozen adamantly expressed her displeasure at this incident.

"She only attacked to defend itself."

"And so did we! She's literally trying to come to Nagasaki and wreak havoc! We can't just let her leave after this!"


"I have already stationed the military and G force artillery units by the shores of Nagasaki. If that beast gets to close, I'll order the troops to launch the attack." Gyozen laid out her incentive firmly, being unmoved by any of the faces she was getting from the monarch agents.

"General Gyozen!" A voice was heard through the communication systems, grabbing the generals attention immediately.

"Yes lieutenant ? Did something happen ?" She asked.

"Not exactly, but the kaiju is approaching the coast and she doesn't seem like she's slowing down. In fact, she might actually be speeding up! What are your orders!"

All the military and G force units were all stationed to attack and defend the city in case the titan tried to destroy anything. All they needed was approval from their general to commence an artillery strike.

Looking at the maps, Gyozen frowned.

Miki Saegusa also seemed a little worried. "From what we've gathered, that red dust can be spread to around 300 metres or more. It's getting too close."

"It's already more than 700 metres close to the shore. Fire the weapons!" Gyozen ordered.

"No don't!" Dr. Gojo's voice was ignored as the artillery units took position and fired shots at the approaching titan.

The lethal, anti-titan ammunition flew threw the air at high speeds while closing in on it's target. Almost immediately after, the attack hit it's mark, making a large splash of red liquid form above the waters surface as pained screams echoed throu the air.

Gyozen smirked on seeing that reaction from the kaiju. "Don't stop! Fire!"

Listening to their generals, volleys of shots and missiles were fired straight at the beast, who screamed in agony as the defensive weapons created massive splashes and waves of radioactive fluid and blood. Each explosion was followed by a splash that went over a dozen metres into the air. An eldritch, almost unrecognisable roar was heard as the beast wailed in agony.

However, instead of trying to turn around and leave or seek shelter, she did the exact opposite. Driven by hunger and bloodlust, the kaiju raced threw the water before poppings it's entire upper body out of the oceans surface and letting out an unholy roar. The red dust was literally evaporating and flying off the beast's body and enveloping the sky. It's body and face could still not be seen, but the glowing red eyes that leaked the intent to hunt and kill was enough to drive the military into high alert.

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