Ch-1 New Kaiju ?

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No one's POV

Currently, a group of government officials and leaders were all gathered up in one room, having a meeting with each other to discuss certain things.

A tall brown haired girl slammed her hand on the desk with a large frown spread across her face.

"What is the meaning of this?!!" She yelled out in anger as the rest tried to calm her down.

"Calm down general Gyozen, we also don't know what's happening. We-"

"Shut it Dr. Gojo! We all know exactly what's going on!" She retorted and stared at the prime minister.

This was Gyozen, the commander of the G-Force military and Anti Kaiju Defence Corporation of the United Kingdom. She's a general who has a strong hatred towards the Kaiju, especially the queen, Godzilla, who she wanted to do nothing more than to kill.

The girl trying to calm her down, was Dr. Gojo, the head and leader of the Kaiju Biological Research Group. As a member of Monarch, she wanted to study and understand the Kaiju and one day, hopefully coexist with them in peace. That's what she wanted. But her ideals were completely opposite to Gyozen's.

"General Gyozen, please. You're making a scene here. Calm down." The prime minister also tried to calm her down, but the general wasn't happy at all. In fact, she was seething in anger.

"No! We have to deal with this thing! Why wasn't I informed of this earlier?!?" She yelled, demanding an answer from the government.

"Because we knew you would react violently." A masculine voice spoke up.

Gyozen growled while turning to the person who talked. "Serizawa...."

Dr. Ishiro Serizawa, the director and head scientist of Monarch, an organisation that researches and tried to understand the Kaiju in an attempt to establish peace and coexistence. He was a good man with a big heart, however Gyozen hated him as he went against her ideals. Gyozen wished to destroy the titans, but Serizawa stood to protect them. One could say, they're natural enemies.

"And it is because of your well known hatred for the titans that we did not inform you. Also, we don't have a proper understanding of the scenario and we're trying to figure it out. We were afraid that you would do something reckless, should you have been informed of this earlier." Serizawa explained, making Gyozen grit her teeth.

"But can you blame me?! Look at that! Look at the sea! It's red! Red like blood!" She pointed at one of the many screens in the room, showing live footage of the ocean but it seemed to have some sort of red substance in it. The water was red and it appeared thicker than normal.

"As I said, we don't know what caused this. We cannot just jump to conclusions." Gojo said, making Gyozen click her tongue.

"Dr. Gojo, this is not up for debate. It is clear that there is a Kaiju causing this. There is simply no other explanation to this supernatural phenomenon." Gyozen frowned at her.

"Godzilla has already done more than enough damage to us! We have upgraded the G-Force several times but it's still not enough! Project Jet Jaguar has not yet been completed yet, and we have spent hefty amounts of time, money and resources on defence. We should now start building offensive weapons to kill these beasts!" Gyozen declared.

"With all due respect general, I am absolutely against that idea. The last thing we need right now is to make an enemy of Godzilla and the other Kaiju." Serizawa stood up, disagreeing with her words.

"While I do admit that we need better, stronger weapons, I think Serizawa is right on this one. We don't want to needlessly provoke Godzilla into attacking us." The prime minister sided with him and so did several others. No one in this room wanted to see Godzilla as an enemy.

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