Chapter 13

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The party wasn't finished until 12 midnight and still, the twins insisted Shannon should stay longer and continue the fun out in a private club along with the Olsen siblings and of course their plus ones. Shannon was uncertain about this since, she would be hanging out with the Olsen clan and she doesn't know how to deal with it, not to mention Lizzie will be joining, who is suspiciously hyped this evening, but she figured it has something to do with the champagne flute in her hand.

Even though, Shannon wants to ditch the idea, Ashley was already ahead of her and made it clear she wasn't taking a no for an answer. She was introduced to Trent, Jake and Courtney tonight and she's being interrogated by them since then and it was overwhelming her, its starting to suffocate her.

Little did she knew Lizzie was watching her, the whole time. It didn't matter if Robbie was with her and the alcohol in her system is to blame on that. Somehow that made Robbie a little more suspicious, asking himself if there is something going on between the two. Having to caught them up alone on the rooftop to her girlfriend deciding to get drunk tonight and sneaking looks to the woman her sisters loves. He knows, maybe because he's done the part before and knows the meaning of the looks she's giving her. It was starting to frustrate him.

Lizzie can't see that, let alone care about that. She's too drunk to hide whatever it is that she's feeling right now, though she is still trying, as what she thinks, because she's not too drunk to be unaware that her boyfriend is around.

So now in the VIP Lounge of a club in the city, Shannon sits on a round table with drinks and shots right in front of her. She can't get drunk, keeping in mind what her doctor said about drinking.

A small glass of alcohol is enough but as much as possible, don't drink especially when you're on medication. It can slow down the production of blood cells and platelets in your system.

But the twins doesn't know that, and their main goal was to get drunk on their birthday. Just for one night. So she drinks a shot to avoid being a spoilsport to the group, because they wouldn't understand because they don't know. No one knows but Katia and her Uncle. That shot was followed by another then another and she stops because she's already feeling it. The world spinning around and the strange lightness of the alcohol taking over her system so she excused herself to go to the ladies room or rather some place quiet to breathe and calm her system down.

"I'm going to go check up on her." Lizzie says as soon as she leaves, stumbling out of the table. Worried, leaving the table behind with amusement.

"They're getting close." Ashley mutters taking another shot before snuggling to Louis. Mary Kate smiles scrunching her nose and says, "I love it." But Robbie doesn't and he goes to drink two shots and sits back to listen Trent talk about this girl he met once in a bar.

Shannon spots a dark alley just right outside the club and stumble on to the brick wall throwing up all the contents in her stomach. She feels terrible but she can't show that to them. Hiding an illness is so much harder than hiding a secret affection to your bosses' sister. She knows that now. She shouldn't have drunk any shots more than one. And now her frustrations are growing more and more and now she's kicking and punching the brick wall letting it all out.

They don't know.

"Hey, hey Shannon!" Lizzie finds her and rushes to her trying to calm her down. Pushing her far from the brick wall, her heart thumping to her chest when Shannon stops and realizes who she's looking at. She scoffs.

"Please go back inside." Shannon sighs walking back and fort still pumped up on her frustrations and one of them is staring at her right now.

"Shan, what's happening?" Lizzie breathes, concern and confuse on what is going on in that mind of hers, but Shannon is having a breakdown because everything is piled up and sinking in further into her. She turns to the other side of the alley and kicks an empty can of beer to the wall.

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