Chapter 5

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Author's P.O.V.
"So I'll see you in LA in two weeks?" Lizzie asks as soon as they reached the car. She turns to face Shannon with thumping heart and a hopeful smile on her face.

"Yup I'll see you then." Shannon smiles running a hand on the back of her neck. Her mind is somewhere else, currently at war with her thoughts, but Lizzie doesn't seem to notice and Shannon's relieved with that.

"I'm serious about the photos."

"I'll give you a copy, I'll let the twins send it to you. Oh I almost forgot, I told them I'd text them when you leave my apartment." She pulls out her phone and started texting the twins. Lizzie stares at her, having her chance that, she's been waiting for and this is the moment to grab it.

"Why don't you just send it to me directly." Shannon's head snaps up from her phone clearly stunned on what she just heard.

"Come again?"

"Send the photos to me instead." She sighs and snatches the phone in her hand going to her contacts and putting her own in. Lizzie doesn't know why, she doesn't usually give her contact details to a person she just met a few days ago, but for some unexplainable reason, Shannon was an exemption to that.

"Here." She hands the phone back to a clueless Shannon. "Send it to me okay?"

"Y-yea. sure." Shannon whispers and that made Lizzie's smile grow from ear to ear. Shannon's eyes are strong in blue color and it captivated her, its far from Robbie's brown ones. Hers holds emotions that are portrayed in them but mystery on what they are. She touches her arm and she looks at it.

"Please, don't be a stranger." She whispers and little did she knew it sent a heavy weight on the other woman's chest. Shannon's close to her breaking point and its killing her real time and she badly wants her to leave not with the reason of her not wanting to see her again because she does, she always does and it would feel easier to say yes if things are different, but then again she needs to say it.

"Definitely." She smiles. Lizzie strokes her arm before opening her car door with Shannon helping her out. It made her smile remembering what she said about it. It is a habit of hers, it feels weird to her because usually a man does this for her and this is the only time a woman does it. only Shannon.

She closes the door and drives away after saying their goodbyes, a smile still hanging on her lips but that smile fades as she took a glance on her side mirror catching a glimpse of the woman raise her head up to the sky before hanging her head down in a tired way and just walks away and there's something heavy in that. She felt it but tries to shrug it off and trick her mind that its just because she's sick today. Now she tries to think of Robbie and how would their day go on in a while.
7:00 PM

It read on the wall clock hangin on the red brick wall. the loft has gone quiet, dark. The moon illuminating the room with visible streaks of dim light passing through some of the transparent glass window. Slumped against the front door, sat on the polished wooden floor is Shannon. She stares at her backpack on the single couch right across the bed a few meters away from where she is. Its been hours since Lizzie left and the once bright apartment filled with smiles and laughter had turned into a dump, that's she describes it.

Its not sinking in. She thought, words and fragments echoing inside her head but its not sinking in still and she's been sat here for hours trying to wait for it. The impact of the news, the truth.

Over fatigue, I'm a bit anemic.

Lies. Its more than that. Its a nightmare, a lingering bad memory. The only difference now is, its definite, dark and cold. Its already written in her story and now she chooses to stay still, hoping it would stop time, stop everything but it doesn't work that way because day turns to night even though she stays still.

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