Chapter 7

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2 weeks...

June 2018

Los Angeles, California.

Just got home from work. Tomorrow's the first day of shoot and I should be thrilled because this is the real deal, but then that only means I'll be seeing Lizzie already. The day after that night, she told me they worked it out and she didn't broke it off giving Robbie a second chance, because he promised and swore he won't do it again. I know I don't have the right to react and I should be cool about it since she said 'they've worked it out' and it gives me a reason not to get too attached, but I felt shit about it and mad, and frustrated.

I don't know Robbie, at all. All I know is he's her boyfriend. I don't know if he does this a lot or it was just a heat of the moment thing, what happened that night. But its not right, he did it once, he can do it again, but if Lizzie gave him a second chance maybe I just have to accept that.

I haven't seen Lizzie since that night. I woke up in the morning and she was gone she just left a note on my kitchen table thanking me for letting her crash and since that phone call relying the news that she's okay and they're okay, we barely talked and the messages stopped. Like I said, like nothing happened. Well, that's how it goes right? They eventually forget.

I've been back in LA for about a week and this house is a dump, but I've been distracting myself trying to clean the shit out of this house and its looking pretty good actually but empty, just like me.

That sounds a bit petty but its true, with everything that's been happening lately, I'm starting to think the sense of it and why I'm still doing this, because it doesn't. I'm fucking dying why am I even trying. Still nobody knows I am, not even my Uncle, not the twins or someone from work, definitely not Lizzie or Katia or anyone, just two of my doctors. Dr. Ameri in New York and Dr. Lee here in LA. Well I've told them not to tell anyone if in case someone visits and just tell them that it's just a case of Anemia. They didn't think it was a good idea at all and they were worried about it but I have my reasons for it and just promised them I will be the one telling these people myself, which I don't know when.

I've been consistent to be in a bit of a good shape for the past week besides the fact that the marks that Lizzie left on my chest and the bruises in my hand are still there, a week delayed for healing, but other than that. Everything's fine. I'm also taking another set of pills Dr.Lee gave me yesterday to extend my life. I've disguised my pills and put them on bottles with labels that says vitamins on them, in case someone would come over and I've hidden my prescriptions underneath my clothes in my dresser.

I slumped down the couch and reached for my phone in my pocket to check if there were any messages. There's one from MK saying to call her when I get home from work, One from James and it was just the full itinerary for work tomorrow and Katia asking for a night out tonight which she's been bothering me about ever since I left the office earlier. I could but I'm not in the mood and I'm really fucking tired. So I call MK


"Hey, so how was work?"

"It was good, we start filming tomorrow." I smiled. "So why'd you ask me to call?"

"No reason, just checking and we missed you and Ashley does too." I hear another voice coming from the background and I'm guessing its Ash but couldn't quite figure out what she's saying and eventually she takes over the phone.

"Hey Beveridge! I hope your girlfriend's not jealous of us talking." I rolled my eyes at her. She's really obsessed with my love life. Well, news flash, I'll never have one. Oh wait, I have one but its literally and clearly one sided.

"Ash I don't have a girlfriend."

"Still? God, I swear you suck at asking girls out." I let out a chuckle at that. "You need to up your game you little shit."

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