Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring on my bedside table and even before I was able to grip on my consciousness, I already feel so heavy and my head is pounding, like someone beating it up with a hammer over and over again , and the continues ringing of my phone is not helping at all. I groan burying my head in to my pillow hoping the ringing won't stop but nope, it just gets louder and louder, so I give up and reached for my phone on the bedside table and answered it without looking who it was.


"Where the fuck are you!" MK's voice rings in my ears louder than it can possibly get making me pull my phone away from my ear. "Shoot starts in half an hour!" What? Shoot— Oh shit! I have a shoot today. I literally jumped out of bed which I shouldn't have now that my whole apartment is spinning right in front of me.

"Alright, shit. I'm sorry I'm on my way." I ended the call right away not giving her a chance to reply. I know what she's going to say, she's just going to scream hurry up in my fucking ear again and I can't handle that anymore. Oh God, how much did I drank last night. As fast as my body could possibly go, I took a quick shower and throw in clothes that doesn't seem to go together, but I don't fucking care. I need to book an Uber this time so I can get there on time. I still got 15 minutes, I can still make it.

I arrived at the headquarters with 5 minutes to spare. I greet Tina, our receptionist before rushing to the elevator breathless already and with a terrible headache, not to mention, I feel so fucking nauseous. I wait leaning against the wall for support. God, I fucking feel so terrible, what happened last night anyway?


The elevator opens. I gather up the remaining strength I have and drag myself out towards the double doors that leads to a studio. By the time I got there, my legs are already giving up on me but I ignore it and push myself through those double doors.

"Oh thank God! You—" I held up a finger stopping her from the rant she's going to blow up on me and limp towards the closest bench I could probably sit on. I don't seriously feel so good. This is the worst hangover I've had so far. I will kill Katia for this.

"Hey, are you okay. You don't look so good." I hear MK whisper beside me, more gentle this time. I take deep breaths to steady my breathing and try to not think about my spinning stomach at the moment. "Hey Shan—"

"Yea, I'm fine. Just give me a minute."

"Woah, you look white as a sheet. Are you sick of something?" I look up and saw Ashley walking over to us and—Great, just fucking great. Lizzie's here. Perfect timing for her to see me looking like shit. So I stood up and back away.

"Give me 10 fucking minutes to breathe. I'll be right back." I drag myself out if the studio and practically ran to the bathroom on the far left corridor. I rush into one of the cubicles and throw up. Did I get drugged up last night? This is the worst hangover I've had and I'm starting to think this is not just a hangover. Something familiar. Oh God no please, I don't need that right now.
I slumped against the wall wiping my mouth feeling so tired. Maybe I should've just called in sick, but I can't let the twins cancel the shoot on the last minute. I can't do that to them. I need to know what happened last night.

I reached down my pocket to get my phone and check if anytime last night by chance I might've got Katia's number an— oh here it is. I dialled in. It rang a couple of time and I'm praying to the heavens she'll answer.

"Hello" Its her and it sounds like I woke her up.

"Katia, its Shan. What the fuck happened last night?" She groans and I roll my eyes.

"What time is it? what the fuck Shan its fucking 9 in the morning—"

"Just fucking tell me. I'm at work and I have ten minutes to spare so just tell me now." I hear movement from the other line before hearing her voice again saying,

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