Chapter 11

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The night was imprinted on Lizzie's mind. She thought about it when she took a shower after Shannon left. She thought about it when she got dressed and ready for bed. She thought about it when she turns off the lights and snuggle a pillow next to her still, thinking about her. She didn't even check off her messages on her phone, which she always do, just to see if Robbie texted her back apologizing for their argument earlier. Her thoughts were filled with Shannon and how good she felt around her and how safe she was with her.

Shannon's eyes were the culprit, the moment Lizzie laid her eyes on them, she was immediately captured. There was something in them, mysterious and sad with a mixture of a little happiness. It intrigued her so much she dug a space deeper for her than she intended to and now she suspects growing feelings for the other woman.

It was strange, weird, bad, wrong, right—she doesn't know already, its all mixed up and its making her confuse. She has a boyfriend, barely, but she's straight and Shannon's a woman and she tries to convince herself that they are just friends. That's all there is. Right?

Her mind contemplates on the moment at the pool. How she had, on a split second, wanted to kiss her. Why she even thought of it. Maybe to experiment or something, or the little alcohol she consumed enough to manipulate her mind into doing it, or just a way to get back at her boyfriend for kissing another woman right in front of her at the club. She wasn't even thinking about Robbie at all at that moment. He didn't crossed her mind even just for a while because all she was thinking about was Shannon and her, at a pool, alone in a serene and infinite state. It was a moment, a strong connection.

I love your eyes too

She can still hear it, echoing in her mind and her heart explodes in butterflies fluttering in her insides, causing her lips to crack into a smile. A proper one, a smile that she wants to keep for the rest of her life. She shakes the thought away, she's supposed to be thinking about her boyfriend and how he's supposed to make her feel. She groans and buries her head on her pillow getting frustrated with her mixed up emotions. She needs to end it, whatever it is that she's feeling towards Shannon, it needs to end. She gave Robbie a second chance for a reason and that reason stays the same. She loves him. That's all that matters— at least for now.

The next day came, Robbie and her had made up, again, in the morning when he called and she smiles, but the strange feelings are still there and Shannon still consumes her mind every now and then. Mostly when they started working that day. How she steal glances in between takes whenever she's talking to someone on the other departments. She finds herself looking deeply into those blue eyes whenever they talk, which started it all, feeling the strong familiar electric current from last night.

Its wrong. She knows it, so when she's aware of it, she tries to distract herself and thinks of her and Robbie or as much as possible she just keeps her distance from Shannon until the pool scene starts.

Shannon smiles as she approach Lizzie who is getting ready for it while Luke stands beside her doing the same. Both hearts starts beating louder than the usual, the connection getting stronger at the feeling of last night.

"So, here we are" Shannon grins and Lizzie smiles. Shannon explained how they are going yo work out the scene with Lizzie grabbing her chance to stare at Shannon's features while she talks. Strong blue eyes, long lashes, pointy nose, sharp jaw, soft thin lips, so basically, she wasn't listening to any word she was saying, until Shannon nudges her bringing her back to reality.

"I'll see you later." Shannon whispers and smiles before walking away leaving her and Luke to start the scene. She didn't hear Shannon's instructions and just assumed that it was just like what it said on the script. She will just have to wing it.

Half A YearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon