Chapter 12

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The familiar beeping sounds comes louder and louder as I came into my consciousness and white walls surrounds me as soon as I open my eyes. Did I passed out? I don't quite remember anything apart from having a moment with the twins and the next thing I knew I am here in the hospital.

"Hey, Shan?" I blink at the person who's by the bed holding my hand trying to clear out my vision, Mary Kate?

"I'll call the doctor." Ashley, Oh shit. I rose up to bed pretty quickly in panic and that made the world spin right in front of me.

"What the— what the fuck are you doing lay down!" Mary Kate pushes me back down on the bed and hit me on my forehead making my hand flew to it stroking the skin to subside the stinging pain. "Stay there, you fucking scared the hell out of us, you little shit."

I glanced at Mary Kate and she rolls her eyes but kept her hand in mine. Do they know already? Dr. Ameri comes in and he gives me a sad, unsure look, and I can feel my heart beating in my chest louder than the beeping of  the machines. They can't find out about it.

"We ran some tests and—" I look at him begging and he glanced at me, they can't know about it. "Anemia." I think my heart stopped for a second before relief completely washes my body with ice cold water.

"You have that right? you're not taking your fucking vitamins back in LA?" Mary Kate snapped and Ashley sniggers shaking her head. "Is that so hard to do huh?" She continue to tell me off. I used to despise her every time she does this and embarrass me with it but right now, I would take it. She doesn't know that I deserve more scolding right now than what she's giving me. I glanced at Dr. Ameri and gave him a knowing look, thanking him for  sticking up with our plan. Just like what Dr. Lee and I discussed too back in LA.

I know its selfish of me to keep this to myself, but I can't watch them hurt like I watched my Uncle suffer before. They have too many things in their hands, depending on them and I can't hold them back. I can't do that.

"Thank you" I say stopping MK in mid sentence as I offer a smile. She looks at me confuse and frustrated but sighs and takes me in her arms, Ashley joins in a second later.

"Don't fucking do that again will you?" I chuckled in response before glancing at Dr. Ameri who sighed and shakes his head slightly. A slight pain in my chest, I know its getting bad and there's nothing I can do. Just let it take over until it completely swallows me whole.

"I'll prescribe you other vitamins if the ones you got aren't working anymore." Dr. Ameri says and I nod.  Vitamins, other term for medication. That serious, to prescribe me new medication again. "I'll leave you then while I arrange your discharge papers. Shannon," He gives me a warning look before walking out of the room.

"I demand a dinner tonight." MK says and I smile.

"Of course you do." I whisper before getting lost in my own thoughts. Moments, they matter so much now and that look my doctor gave me tells me, I moved a step closer to the inevitable and so every moment counts now and I would try to make all of it memorable as if it would be my last.
"So I've got you a date." I almost choked on a crouton when Ashley says that. Mary Kate just slides a glass of water in front of me to allow me to recover from it and yet what Ashley just said still echoes in my ears. She laughs and winks at me.

"Ash! what the fuck" She laughs and brings her phone out from her purse and I sit here so confuse on what was going on.

"Relax, I haven't reach out yet. But I found you one." That made me feel the slightest better but I'm really not impressed right now. Mary Kate sighs and rolls her eyes shaking her head as her sister rambles on about this woman I don't know nothing about. I need to think really quick this time maybe I should play the Katia card even though she's in fact in LA right now because I told her to go on a date with that lifeguard of hers. "Cari Fletcher"

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