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TW: describing/talking about self harm

Kayla and I managed to survive the night, fending off about ten different monsters, and at some point after the sun had risen, me and Kayla fell asleep next to each other, her head on my shoulder, my leg on her leg. I awoke with a start, to me and her holding hands, our legs entwined and her head on my shoulder. I gasped, as this was the most physical contact I had had in a while. 

My gasp woke Kayla, and she looked over at me and quickly released my hand, clearly embarrassed. I looked away not wanting to meet her eyes, as I was embarrassed as well. She stared straight into my eyes, as we both leaned forward until our noses were millimeters away from each other. I gasped and Kayla took the opportunity to close the distance between us, and as our lips connected, I whispered to her "Thank you." She reached her arms around me and held me like I might blow away in the breeze. I put one hand on her neck and the other rested on her leg. We broke apart for a breath she reached for my hand and held it tight. Then she grabbed my hand as hard as she could holding it in place as she pulled up my sleeve, showing all of my fresh cuts up and down my arms. 

She gasped, and started to cry, tears pouring down her face, as I got to me feet and took a step away from her. "Why Comet? You have been under supervision for over two months, and now for at least until the end of the year!"

"Is that why you kissed me then? To try to stop the cutter? I am so mad at you right now."

"No! I kissed you because I love you Comet! Ever since I first saw you, I have loved you. Please don't leave me."

I turned around again and screamed "I won't leave you just like everyone else didn't leave me! Oh wait, they did!" I turned and ran into the shadows as children of Hecate can shadow travel as well. I left Kayla, freezing, with an injured ankle, in a ditch. At least we won't need to dig her a grave, I thought. 

꧁༒ 𝓼𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓸 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽 ༒꧂Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora