
261 14 10

TW: Blood

Clutching Frank's hand and practically overflowing with joy we set off to Nico and I's cabin, where we expected to find him. As we arrived at the cabin something didn't seem right. The door was off its hinges, and parts of it splintered across the floor.

 Letting go of Frank's hand I carefully tread over the splinters to find my mattress slightly tilted from its usual position, as I got closer, I found a small indent on the underside of it. I inched closer to it and ran my fingers along the shape, it seemed to have split the mattress open in some parts. I spun around looking across the room. "It's probably just a prank, right?" I said to Frank a slight quiver in my voice. He just stared blankly at the floor. That's when I spotted the dark red stain in middle of the carpet. 

My blood ran cold as I saw a dagger and a steak knife laying in the centre of the blood. We looked at each other knowing what we had to do. My heart was pounding as I ran to Chiron's office. Chiron took us to the infirmary see if Will Solace, the head medic of the camp, and Nico's boyfriend knew what was happening. Chiron and I ran- or galloped in Chiron's case- towards the infirmary, but stopped as we heard shouting. "Stop him!" Screamed a girl who sounded like Kayla, Will's sister. Chiron and I looked at each other, confusion written on both of our faces, as we stood, frozen still, glancing towards the infirmary front door. 

Chiron sighed and started towards the door as I followed. More screaming came from a curtained off room and when I whisked back the curtain, I was met with a terrifying site. William Andrew Solace, the calmest, most easy-going person I had ever met, was being held back by all his siblings, including Daisy, who couldn't be older than seven. 

Will was screaming at a bed, that at first Hazel thought was empty, but then realised her brother, Nico was sitting in, his eyes blood shot and his tiny, pale body shaking. I tried to take a step forward, to comfort her shaking brother, to snap at Will and tell him to shut his gods-damned mouth, when Chiron raised his arm to stop me. I turned around to tell him to back off, but he just shook his head and trotted off, murmuring under his breath. 

I stepped into the room just as Will broke free from all of his siblings and ran towards Nico, raising his hands. Nico flinched expecting a hit from Will and bolted out of bed running into the darkest corner of the room. The realisation dawned on me. "Nico no!" I screamed, but it was too late. His body seemed to melt into the darkness, as he shadow traveled to who knows where. Will took another step forward to Nico's empty bed and dropped to his knees, sobbing.

"I didn't want to hit him," he said in a quiet voice, " I just wanted to hug him and tell him it was okay, and that I forgive him." I started to sniffle at that. "I know Will, I know."

꧁༒ 𝓼𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓸 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽 ༒꧂Where stories live. Discover now