
154 11 35

TW: Blood, description of self harm (kinda)

I awoke to a frantic banging on my door. When I opened it, Frank was standing there with Hazel in his arms, bridal style. Hazel was unconscious and bleeding heavily from both wrists. "Not another." I muttered. "What do you mean another!" Frank exploded. "My girlfriend is dying and your response is 'not another.' What is wrong with you?"

"Hush now, Frank." I whispered. "You will wake the whole camp." I lead him to the infirmary and he laid Hazel down in a cot.

"Not there Frank, she will need to be under supervision for at least a week. Come this way, I will show you where to put her." Frank simply nodded, scooped up Hazel and followed me to the curtained off side of the infirmary. A child that couldn't be older the thirteen, was sitting up in bed, tears pouring down her face as she begged for a razor, and when the Apollo child that was supervising her said no the child banged her head against the wall repeatedly and then lay down in the cot and closed her eyes. Another child, who I recognised as a child of Athena, one of Annabeth's younger siblings laying bed, absentmindedly scratching at her wrists, leaving bright red marks down her arms as she lay facing the wall. Frank shook his head in disbelief before placing Hazel in a cot and waving over a medic, who cleaned and bandaged her numerous cuts. "We need to do more welfare checks." I said to the medic, who nodded and went to go tell the other Apollo campers to call to do one tomorrow morning, with no exceptions for anyone not to get checked, including the youngest children and all of the Apollo campers. After making sure Hazel was looked after I walked off, back to bed. Hopefully after the welfare check tomorrow no more campers need to come to the infirmary.

꧁༒ 𝓼𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓸 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽 ༒꧂Where stories live. Discover now